<𝔻𝕠𝕝𝕠𝕤'𝕤 𝕃𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕝𝕖 ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕟 𝕠𝕗 𝕃𝕚𝕖𝕤>

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Jirou felt something was off with Kaminari. 

After all the drama at Kurogiri's cell, he went back, saying that he forgot his notes there.

 So she followed him. He wasn't at Kurogiri's cell. Hm. He must be lost, that idiot. She plugged in her Jacks and listened, eventually finding Kaminari in the boys's bathroom. 

"...completed my mission." 

Her blood ran cold. "They haven't found out yet. Toga, can you please pass the device to Shigaraki?"

 Silently, she poked her head inside. 

"The heroes are gullible. They only see what they want to see." The boy Jirou knew as Kaminari said. His face was blank.

 "Are you feeling sorry for them, Toga-chan? 

"Friends? Loyalty?

Who cares?

 Jirou felt something break in her chest. Feeling the tears wet her eyelashes and before the tears could reach her cheeks, she dashed back to her class as fast as she could.

"Jirou? What happened?" Mina ran towards her and knelt. "Kami-" her voice broke. 

"Kaminari...He's the..." she was sobbing so much that she could not even speak properly.

 "Kyoka. Why are you crying?" Aizawa knelt beside her. 

She could barely force the words out.

 "Kaminari. Is the traitor."

 It just felt fake in her mouth. It was wrong. 

"Well, it looks like Kaminari's drama virus is spreading. Real funny, Jirou, real funny." said Sero, trying (and failing) to laugh. 

"It's true." she shut her eyes, tears pouring out. 

"There's no way! Kaminari is our fellow classmate and hero! He would never betray us!" Iida said, trying more to convince himself then them. 

"Have you seen him in the school play, Jirou?" "Are you alright?" All of a sudden there was a bang and Aizawa was leaning against the wall, unconscious.

 Standing before his unmoving form was...Kaminari. 

"Sorry." Then he smiled, just like the Kaminari she knew would. "So, what did I miss?"


 Bakugo growled. And before any of the classmates could hold him back, he leapt, throwing a hard right. 

Normally Kaminari would've pretended to be knocked out just like that, but the circumstances have changed. He sidestepped, grabbed Bakugo's left arm, promptly broke his wrist, and flung hard him into the next wall. 

Or rather, tried to. Bakugo somersaulted twice, and used his Quirk to propel himself with explosions. 

Kurogiri should be here with the other villains soon...ah, there they were. Kurogiri jogged and quickly made a portal, but Todoroki sent a wave of ice, freezing the villain. 

One of the freed prisoners waved his hands and the ice dispersed, the ice then shot towards Todoroki at breakneck speed, who had just stopped it in time with a wall of fire.

 "Kurogiri," Kaminari called. "It's about time we leave." 

Aizawa activated his Quirk, forcibly cancelling Kurogiri's Quirk. "Quick. I can't hold this guys for long. Get them!" 

They dashed forward, and so did the villains. Kaminari zeroed on Bakugo, because he seemed like the biggest threat here, and he probably was, next to Aizawa.

 "Getting a big head now because you broke my wrist one time, huh?!" Bakugo rushed forward. Kaminari narrowed his eyes, spinning in midair to avoid Bakugo's explosion. 

"AP SHOT:AUTO CANNON!" Explosions followed Kaminari as he ran. "DON'T GET IN MY WAY!" Bakugo reluctantly stopped firing as he saw that his comrades were getting injured by his explosions.

 Kaminari materialized behind Aizawa, but was stopped by Vlad King using his Quirk to protect him.

 Kaminari tried to strike again, but Vlad King sucker punched him. "You'd bet one would show some kindness to a fellow human being, eh?"

Kaminari wiped blood from his mouth.

 "Someone who deceives his friends does not deserve kindness!" Sekjiro attempted another blow, but Kaminari shocked him and felled Aizawa with a single kick.

 "Kurogiri!" "NO!" Todoroki shouted. "Heaven Piercing Wall!" A massive iceberg appeared, immobilizing Kurogiri. 

"Man, this is getting annoying!" Kaminari pulled himself free. "Geten!" 

The ice around the villains subsided, and threw itself against the heroes and heroes-in-training. 

"HOWITZER IMPACT!" Bakugo shot towards the ice at lightning speed, and generated a massive explosion, destroying the big boulder of ice, and letting loose a smokescreen in the process. Bakugo screamed and shouted, but all he could do was sit and wait for the smoke to dissipate. He may have saved his classmates, but he had let the villains escape. 

"I'm sorry. The generating the iceberg was my fault. I apologize for my incompetence." Todoroki said after the smoke vanished. 

"Too late, half and half idiot, they escaped with their tails tucked between their feet. Those shameless cowards!"

 "Ah, but I managed to nip someone important." Tokoyami said. Kaminari wasn't surprised Fumikage had got him. That guy's technique was inhuman. 

And, unfortunately, in Dark Shadow's grasp, was Kaminari. 

"You!" Bakugo turned savagely. "Me," the golden-haired boy said agreeably. 

"Kaminar-Denki." Mina said sternly, her voice trembling but trying to keep it a minimum. "Tell me-exactly why did you betray us?" 

Kaminari had, in fact lagged behind, for he wanted to rest for a second and make sure every prisoner had left. Especially one...

Kaminari let loose his electricity, forcing Dark Shadow to release him. Before he was teleported away, he said unsmilingly ,"You can't trust someone too much." 

" For the devil was once an angel. "

Edit: This is Kaminari's villain costume sketch. (by me haha)

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