<𝕃𝕚𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕦𝕞𝕒𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥>

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Third Person POV

Aizawa was already having a bad day when the principal called him. 

First, Hizashi starts his day by yelling "WAZZUP!" in his ear whilst he was asleep. Aizawa did not appreciate the sentient.

"April Fools!" Hizashi grinned at the grumpy Aizawa. 

"Do not. Wake me up this way. Ever. Do I make myself clear?" Aizawa glared furiously at his friend.

"Yeah, yeah!" he backed up. "Hey, take a chill pill, man." 

Aizawa grumbled some more then visited Recovery Girl to get his severely injured eardrums healed. He was settling down for lunch when Nezu called him.

Their conversation went sort of like this: 

Nezu: Hey dude, sorry for interrupting your lunch, but you gotta hear this.

Aizawa: Speak.

Nezu: A student of yours is hanging on my office. 

Aizawa: *sighs* Are they?

Nezu: Well...yeah.

Aizawa: Name. 

Nezu: No idea, but he's short, and has a mop of purple hair that looks like blueberries. He's sticking to the window using the blueberries.

Aizawa: Let me finish my lunch first. I'll go deal with him later. Bye.

Nezu: Wh- 


After enjoying his brief lunch, Aizawa went to Nezu's office. 

Aizawa's POV

Arriving at the scene, Aizawa took notice of his surroundings.

Cabinets. Rummaged. Drawers. Open. Window. Broken. Nezu. Cute.

"Where is that boy?" Aizawa enquired, quite obviously wanting to be somewhere else. 

"Down there," Nezu pointed down the shattered window and looked down.

Carefully avoid the broken glass, Aizawa peered down the window. He could just make out a vague head of purple balls. Then the distant figure of a head peered up, facing Aizawa's face.

Aizawa couldn't see the face or the limbs, but it was definitely the Embodiment of Unnapropriate Desires*- Mineta Minoru.

He emptied the mug of coffee over the window, and the brown liquid was poured down the broken window. 

The steaming hot coffee trickled down Mineta's forehead, quickly reaching the whites of his eyes.

"It's absolutely; without a doubt, Mineta." Aizawa said apathetically as a "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRGHHHHHHHHH" of agony reverberated down the building. 

"That was uncalled for," Nezu's tiny turned to Aizawa, his head sideways.

"There is no need to show mercy for those who fall victim to the sin of lust." Aizawa replied.

"Well, that's settled!" Aizawa turned away to leave. "After some guys rescue him, tell them to bring him to my office. Forced detainment is permitted if necessary."

Before Nezu could respond, Aizawa noticed that a small dot was repeatedly becoming bigger.

He was distracted by that for the next 10 seconds, and did not hear a single syllable Nezu had said. 

"...not expel. Aizawa, are you paying attention?" 

Fortunately, Aizawa was spared from answering when he realizing that the dot was actually was a person, swinging on the side of the building like Spiderman. It seemed familiar...

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