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Kaminari Gojou was ruffling through All For One's notebooks. He knew he shouldn't but the big man was out. He came across an ancient book labelled: The Gojo Tree. It was locked, so Kaminari figured it would be important. Breaking open the lock, and dusting it off, he opened the book. It's pages were yellowed and crumpled.

Curiousity took him and he found himself ruffling through the ancient pages. The family tree of the Gojo stretched to 500 BC. The descendants of the Gojou Family seemed to all live short and bright lives. Michizane Sugawara. Hieruhu Gojo. Hanako Gojo. Satoru Gojo. 

Hieruhu Gojo:  Terror of the Eurasia. Spent his days fighting against the government of Europe. Killed in the Great War of 1967. Quirk: unknown.

Keriko Kojo: Brilliant tactician. Fought the Russian Federation during the time of Hitler. Had the power accelerate time- for five seconds. Died of sarcoma cancer. Quirk: Made In Heaven

Kenjiro Kojo:  The Juggernaut. Had the powerful capability to manipulate sound at a molecular level. Fought the Russian Federation during the reign of Hitler. Killed in battle. Quirk: I Hear A Symphony

 Mitsuhi Gojo:  Had the power to erase space and time. Capable of teleportation. Predecessor of Satoru Gojo. Cause of death unknown. Quirk: Born This Way

Underneath was a name called Satoru Gojo*, but for some reason it was torn off. Kaminari wondered why.

*Jujutsu Kaisen

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