《The god who was all alone》

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You've existed for only a short amount of time.
Yet you had so many questions...

For example

Why were you created?

For that we need to see this from your "father's" perspective.

I... have everything someone could ever ask for. Money, power and I'm so close to becoming a real God. Yet.... why do I feel so empty?
I can have everything a mortal soul would want.

But then... I realized... when I'll finally become a God.... who will be my successor?

I need someone to take over my place. I have to make a successor...
I can't just trust someone to make a child for me.

Yes. That's what I'll do. I'll tell my scientists to make me a successor.

And I shall call it... Divine Gem.

Months went by. I haven't received any reports from my scientists. Maybe it is impossible....

More months went by. Only reports I have received were of failed attempts.
It was so foolish of me to think I could just make a successor for my legacy.

For some reason... this makes me feel I a way that I haven't felt before. Or I had but don't remember.
Could it be... loneliness? No. It can't be. I can't feel that. Why am I feeling like this? It's not even that important.
This is getting ridiculous.

More months went by. Finally a report that said the experiment had lived more than a month. This makes me... happy? Strange...
I'll just have to wait until the experiment is ready... that if it survives

As time goes on I keep getting reports on how the specimen is growing. Wonderful. A few more months and it'll be ready.

I get a report from one of my scientists. It's ready.

I tell the scientist to bring it to me. And so he does.
He hands me the specimen.

It's so... small. And fragile.
It holds its small hands out to hold mine. This makes feel in a way that I cannot describe.

...my little godling... I finally get to see it.

I will name it..... (Y/N)

(Y/N = your name)

Divine Gem (Madness Combat x Child!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now