¤first day of school¤

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This a one-shot?

Yes. First fucking one-shot

Now let's get to business.

☆How he helps you get ready for school

- He'll buy anything you need. Doesn't matter how much it costs..
You want an expensive backpack? Done
Limited edition lunchbox with your favorite character? Done
Professional colored pencils? Done

☆How he takes you to school

- He'll get you the best looking clothes. He wants you to look the best

- He'll take you to school with a limousine. Heck, he'll even make sure you walk on a red carpet.

☆Getting in trouble for self defense

- He doesn't care about what the teacher says

- He asks to see footage of what happened

- if they don't show him the footage he'll threaten them

- Obviously he'll scare the living hell out of the bully

- Will definitely threatened the parents

☆ How he deals with bad teachers

- He knows you're smart (cuz u got IQ above average) and he knows you study so definitely it's the teacher's fault

- First he threatens the teacher

- if that doesn't work he'll ask the principal to change the teacher

- if that doesn't work either then the teacher "mysteriously" disappeared

☆How he deals with bullies

- Someone bullies you? If their parent/s work for him they're fired. And if not, they get sued (Phobos = Karen mom lol)

- if the kid keeps bullying you he'll make sure their life becomes a living hell

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