🎄Christmas Special🎄

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Mother and Father
🎄Christmas Special🎄

Jeb and Tricky are taking care of you while Phobos was gone. Oh God, now that's gonna be interesting.

"Put the kid down, Hoffnar!"

"5HUT 1T, J3B! TH3 K1D I5 H4VING FUN!"


"SHU7 UP Y0U B- !"

"Are you really gonna cuss I front of a child?"


"Yeah. That's what I thought"

Jeb then takes you from Tricky. This sure is about to be a fun night.

I wonder what Phobos had to do.

???'s pov:

He found me. He really found me. After everything that happened he still found me.

"My empress... after all this time... I finally found you"

He... still loves me?

"Please come back to me and be my goddess again. I apologize for not giving you enough attention. I- "

"No. You don't need to apologize. It was... all my fault. I should've never left"

"My empress... I will always love you"

It was getting really cold in here. I was shivering. I think he noticed because he let me wear his coat. It was warm. It... felt just like the first day we met.

"Darling? Do you still remember the first day we met?"

"Of course"

It was a cold winter night. I had nowhere else to stay. And then, out of nowhere, you offered to take me home with you.
You took good care of me. Wrapped me in the warmest blankets and gave me the best food.
It was the best night of my life.

"You knew about me for way longer, didn't you? Because what other reason would you have to just allow me to live with you"

"You're right... I knew about you for longer than you think. I just... wasn't ready to accept what I felt. I- "

"You weren't ready for what you felt."

"Yeah... I wasn't ready..."

"So... you really spent all this time looking for me, huh?"


"Well... if you sill love me as much as you used then... I could be your goddess again. Plus we're still legally married"

As response he put his coat over me and hugged. How could I have left? Even though he forgave me I'll always feel guilty about this.

Back at home


Tricky said as you were floating around, releasing electric orbs around the living room.
Woah woah woah woah. The couch is now on fire.

"Oh my GOD!"


"Alright, Devine Gem. Get down on the ground and let's watch a movie. After we take care of the fire"

You make a noise that sounds like the most ungodly screech ever. Looks like someone had way too much sweets again.

What a surprise. Phobos walks in. And my, my, (ara ara  >>) who's that lady with him?

You remember that dream you had. The lady that was with Phobos looked like the one in your dream.

"What happened to the couch?"

"Your 'little godling' happened"

"Y/N, what did you do?"

You just shrug and float towards him for a hug. Obviously he hugged you back.

Phobos snapped his fingers and the fire was gone. He then told Jeb and Tricky they can leave.

He takes a deep breath and sighs.

"Y/N. This is Leah. Your mom."

The lady waved at you. She seemed nice.

"It's getting kinda late. We should all go to sleep"

Phobos takes you to your bedroom and tucks you in. He gives you a good night kiss on the forehand like he always does.

In the morning

When Phobos wakes up all he sees is you floating above him.

"Y/N...? What are you doing up so early?"

"The presents"

He chuckles and picks you up. He goes to the living room with you.

You happily float to the christmas tree and grab the presents. It was what you wanted  ^^.

Phobos spent the whole day with you and Leah.

After all... God emperors need vacations as well.




What could possibly go wrong?

Merry Christmas and happy holidays ❤

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