《The rebirth of a devine gem》

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You wake up.
You feel the softness of the bed you're on and the warm embrace of the blanket wrapped around you.

Someone picks you up.

"Rise and shine, Y/N"

"Hmm...? Papa!"

You hug him.
It feels good hugging him after such a long nap.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good! I was in a really nice place. It looked like it was made of clouds!"


"Yes! But... I wanted you and mom to be there with me. I missed you."

"Well you're home now and that's all that matters now."

He takes you to the living room. Your mom was already there. She was very happy to see you.

Oh look. They prepared your favorite breakfast. And you get to eat it while watching TV!
This day couldn't get any better.

Phobos' POV:

They're back... my devine gem is finally back...
It took 3 weeks... but they're finally back.

Too bad they missed their birthday. But since this is the day they were revived it is technically their second birthday.
They'll be so happy to hear they can celebrate it twice a year.

Your POV:

You are not aware the you died. You think you were sleeping, woke up in a beautiful place, fell asleep again then woke up in your bedroom.

But that doesn't matter now. You're at home with your parents. That's what matters to you. After all you are still a child. What worries could you possibly have?

Oh right. The shadow person. You're still scared of him.

He tries taking you away on multiple occasions.
What if he'll come back? To try and take you away...

You try not to think about that while eating your breakfast.

"Can we go play outside later?"

"Of course, sweetie"

"After all... today is a very special day. I'll tell you more about it when you're older. All you need to know now is that today is your second birthday"

"It is? :o"

"Hehe. Yup"

Your mom (Leah) was giving him "the look". That means he fucked something up. But you don't know about the look yet. You're still a small potato.

Later that day you were playing in the backyard (which isn't exactly a backyard. It's hard to explain). Everything was ready for your birthday but all you could focus on were your toys.

Ayyy. Uncle Deimos and his friends are here. You run to hug him.

Oh. You thought you went to hug Deimos? Wrong lol. You hugged Hank.
He was surprised at first but he hugged you back.

"Heh... hey kid"

"Not fair! Why does my neice/nephew like you more?"

"Cuz I don't smell like cigarettes"

" ._. "

They brought you gifts  :D 
But you're not allowed to open them yet D:

You gotta be bored and eat the boring food while the adults talk about their boring things >:C

Oh you can play on your mom's :D

You got bored of that immediately  ._.

After a looooooooooong wait you finally eat some cake 🎂🧁🍰
And open the presents  :0

From uncle Deimos: an iPad

"Don't you think they're too young to have an iPad"

"No. Now shush. No one asked for your opinion"

From uncle Sanford (no they aren't dating. You just call him that cuz they're always together): a teddy bear 🧸

From goggle man (Hank): a volleyball 🏐  :0 and [f/c] goggles

(F/C = favorite color)

And from scary 2BDamned: Lego sets🤩

You played with your new stuff. Almost broke the iPad twice. Ate way too many cupcakes which made you go into sugar rush (just like last time you ate too many cupcakes) and feel asleep soon after you ran out of sugary energy.

While you were asleep none of them left your side. They wanted to make sure you're safe, healthy and happy.

Divine Gem (Madness Combat x Child!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora