《Divine Gem and the sugar rush》

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Your dad is very busy so he told some of his agents to take care of you in the cafeteria.
"Booooooooooring" you thought to yourself.

There's nothing interesting to do. You've already colored everything in your coloring book. The agents don't know how to entertain you.

Suddenly you're hungry.
You tug on one of the agents' coat. He looks at you. You point at your mouth indicating that you're hungry.

He doesn't know what he should feed you so he gave you a cupcake.

You ate it slowly. It was so soft and tasty. You tugged on his coat to give you another that. Obviously. He gives you another cupcake.

You do this over and over and over again until you ate about 12 cupcakes. That's a lot for a little kid.

Shortly after that you can a sudden burst of energy. You start throwing stuff around, kick and bite when you're being picked up. Even run on all fours.

Eventually you found your way out of the cafeteria.
You run around the halls. Enter places which you're not allowed to go since it's considered too dangerous for you. Mess with weapons. Break stuff and almost get stuck in the elevator.

At this moment everyone is thinking one thing
"We're fucked"

The agents tried to catch you but it's really not easy to catch a hyperactive lab child.

Agent 1: "Oh fuck... what are we gonna do if we can't catch them?"

Agent 2: "Probably get ready to die.... or worse..."

Agent 1: "I have an idea. If cupcakes made this problem then maybe cupcakes can solve them!

And they gathered all the cupcakes they found. This looked like a good plan.


Phobos was done with his work and decided to go check on you.

Oh the look on his face when he saw you're not there.

"Where. Is. Divine. Gem?!"

A few hours go by and surprisingly nobody was able to catch you. Eventually you fell asleep in the elevator.

Luckily the security guy told Phobos where you are and he went there to pick you up.
He holds you gently until he gets to his office.

This day made him decide: he'd much rather have you around him than let those incompetents take care of you.

You finally woke up. He was holding you while he was doing his work. How sweet.
You look up and reach out to him

"Hi papa"

"Huh? Oh. Hi there, my little godling"

He pats you.

"I've heard you've caused a lot of trouble for my agents. Good job, my little star. Just promise next time you'll make less of a mess"

He chuckled. You don't really know what most of that means but you're happy to see your dad again.

Once again you fall asleep in his arms, waiting for the sun of the next day to raise and shine upon Nexus City.

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