¤ friends and misunderstanding ¤

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- you said you have a boy/girl friend

- the agents freak out. They didn't stay to think you meant a friend of the opposite gender.

- they immediately tell Phobos

- Mf freaks out as well (but silently)

- he asks you about them

- you tell them they are your best friend

-he realizes the you meant friend of the opposite gender

- will definitely yell at the agents for not thinking about what you said

"(Y/N)...Darling... next time only say friend"

"Boy/Girl friend '^' "


:)  "

- will obviously want to meet  your friend

- if they're not good enough for you he'll try to tolerate them

- if they try to use you he'll threaten their parents

- if they bully you after he'll threaten them

- if they get their friends to bully you he'll threaten their parents

- nobody is allowed to hurt

- if you have a good friend he'll try to be nice to them
But they won't be allowed in the building

- unless you invite them to play

Divine Gem (Madness Combat x Child!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora