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A side story

I... had loved once. I never would've thought a thing such as love could spark in a place like this.
I had fallen in love with... a wonderful woman.

She was tall, blonde, her eyes shone like the sky. She was strong and really good at fighting. I could never explain why I fell in love with her but... I just wanted her to be my goddess... my empress... my.. everything.

We started dating. It was hard at first but she started to love me as much as I loved her. Everyday felt like a thousand heavens. And the nights were... wonderful. All those nights we spent together. Those are all such distant memories now.

As time went on I could only think of one thing. If she would like to be the mother of my godling. But... for that we must be engaged so my next objective was proposing to her.

I bought her a ring. Now all I need to do is find the perfect time and place to do it.
All I hoped for for that time was for her to say yes.

Eventually I did it. And sure enough, she said yes. I had never felt such happiness before. It felt like I was in heaven. She was finally going to be my goddess and we'll have our own little godling.

Every day she would come visit me and bring me chocolate. She really was the best.
Whenever I had a bad they she would come and comfort me. Whenever I was stressed she would kiss me.

One night I asked her if she wanted to have a baby with me. She seemed excited. That was a good sign. Wonderful.

We... tried. Very often... but it didn't work. Even though we kept trying. We hoped that one day we would have a child of our own.

She seemed sad that we didn't have children yet.
She always comforted me when I had a bad day so obviously I did the same for her.

Things finally started to brighten up again. Until...
I got caught up with a lot of work... again... I no longer had time for her...

I noticed how much it upset her so I tried to spend time with her whenever I could. Unfortunately i only had time at night and she was always asleep by then.

I tried to buy her gifts but, again, I didn't have the time to do that. Whenever she tried to talk to me I had to interrupt her because of my work.

It hurt. It really did...

One night, when I walked into the bedroom, I saw a note on the bed.

"Dear Phobos,

I understand that you're very busy with your work but it hurts for me that you don't try to spend even a few minutes with me anymore.

This was a hard choice but it had to be done.
I just can't stand not getting to hug you anymore... so I'm leaving.

I'm sorry for doing this."

For the first time in my life I felt pain... emotional pain. It hurt more than anything. Like a hundred knives going through my heart.

The following months I tried my hardest to find her but... she was gone. As if she just vanished.
At the time I wanted to do anything just to get her back but I realized... that if I really loved her... I should let her go... let her find happiness...

But I would still try to fulfill one of her greatest wishes from when she was still with me.
Her wish was to have a child with me. So I promised her that one day we will have a child.

So that's that was my next objective. Creating myself a successor. A godling. A... baby.

And... one day... I promise I would find her and show her that I managed to make her wish come true.










"Dad? Will I ever meet my mom?

"Maybe one day you will meet her"

I promise... my godling... you will meet your mother

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