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You wake up in the middle of the night.
It's dark. Pitch black.

You make a small light appear in your hand, giving enough light for you to see what's near you.

You walk to the door. This darkness is unnerving. You just want to be held by your dad.

You walk down the hall but you don't see any door. It's like they're gone. Same for the window.
The hallway seemed endless.
It's not supposed to be like this..

You hear a faint voice down the hall. Sounds a bit like Phobos.
You start running. You want to be close to him. But the voice only gets more and more quiet.
The light in your hands gets bigger.

You hear a voice behind you.

"Don't be afraid."

"You belong in the dark."

A faint red light is shining behind you.
You instinctively start running.

"You can't escape destiny!"

The light in your hands gets bigger and bigger. You feel like it's the only thing keeping you safe. The only thing saving you from the darkness.
Then you hear a voice. A familiar voice...


You feel the warm embrace of someone.


You wake up. Wet towels wrapped around your hands. Phobos was holding you.
He was on the balcony with you.


"Thank Gods you're alright, (Y/N). Did you have a bad dream? Did something happen when I wasn't next to you?"


You keep quiet. You've already forgotten what the dream was about. The only thing that's left is a faint memory of a red light and fear.

But why are your hands wrapped in towels?

"Look at the sky, (Y/N). It's a moonless night. It makes the stars look brighter, doesn't it?

You nod.

"Your godly powers glim like the stars. And you're the source of their light. A burning fire giving light the the small pebbles around."

You look up. A shooting star flew across the sky. You felt something spark up in you.

"It's said that the moon protects people from the bad thoughts. Such a silly story."

You try to listen to what your dad is saying but the only thing you can think about is that dream. What was that red light? Who was the voice behind you? So many questions. Too many...

The clouds cover the stars.

It's pitch black again. Only a faint light coming from inside the building.

It's quiet.

Your hands light up. Just like in the dream.
You don't want the dream to become real so you try your hardest to make the light as big as possible.

"It's alright"

He gently holds your hands. His were glowing just like yours.

"Let's go back inside"  it's the last thing you heat before falling asleep.

It was peaceful.

No more nightmare. No more menacing red light. No more voice trying to take you the darkness.

It's warm.

You fell safe.

Then you get a memory. One that felt like it was a long time ago.

You were in a test tube. It was peaceful, warm and safe. A comforting memory. An artificial feeling of safety.
It sparks a true feeling of safety. Simply because you're held by who you think was the first person to hold you, the first person who talked to you.





The first person you saw.

Divine Gem (Madness Combat x Child!Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن