《Under The Weather》

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You played in the rain yesterday. Probably not a smart choice. When you woke up you felt weak and were sneezing a lot.

Phobos knows you're usually out of bed by 8:30 am so when he didn't see you walking around he got worried and went to your bedroom. When he saw he immediately got worried.

"..Y/N? Are you alright, darling?"

As reply you just softly coughed.
He then gently placed his hand on your forehead. Oh my. You had a fever (NO CORONA). He panicked and immediately called someone to help.

You poor thing :(. All you wanted to do today was playing with your friends. Guess that I'll have to wait. After all, Phobos did say "You can't play with your friends today, darling. You're sick".

Being sick wasn't fun at all. You missed playing with the agents. And you missed going outside.

Ever since you've gotten sick it started raining nonstop. All day long.

Buuuuut there was also a good part. Phobos has spent way more time with. In fact, so far he spends the whole day with you.

He fed you more often than usual. Luckily it was [insert favorite soup] cuz if it was [insert most disliked soup] you would legit throw it on the floor or spit it out.

You were constantly being visited by doctors. You didn't understand why tho. You just thought they wanted to play with you to make you feel better.

Even your friends (Hank, Sanford and Deimos) visited you and bought you gifts.

Even if you didn't feel good it was nice that your friends still wanted to hang out with you. And you didn't have to do anything at all.

The only bad part was the meds. They taste awful.

"Come ooooon. Say aaaaa"

"No!  It gross"

"You're going to feel better"

"But it dis...disgu... disgostang! Sneeze"

Phobos picked you up. He didn't like to do this but he had to. He had to force you to take your medicine. But he gave you [insert favorite tea] right after.

But, since you're literally a god child, of course your powers can get out of control sometimes.

Whenever you sneeze an electric orb appears.
When you cough you randomly get teleported
When you get a headache or throatache you start floating
And, sometimes, when you get a fever you fad through the floor or whatever you're sitting on.

That made Phobos worry. What if you got out of the building? That would be very dangerous.

Luckily the average cold only lasts about a week and you felt good in no time.

Let's hope you don't get sick again

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