The Interrogation

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We sat in the cold police room for what seemed like hours. 

Mrs Brickerely was called and she was more concerned for our safety than us being in trouble. 

We were all interrogated and by this time we were tired, "I've called your parents and they're glad you're safe. However, we've contacted the school and we think it's best you all fly home tomorrow instead." Mrs Brickerely said.

Evelyn nodded, "We're really sorry Mrs Brickerely. We just wanted to experience San Diego." She said guiltily. Mrs Brickerely winked, "It's okay. Just don't tell the school and we will be okay. Besides, they expect this kind of stuff anyway." 

I stayed quiet, arms crossed as the image of that dead body kept flashing through my mind. "You okay?" Someone nudged me. I turned my head as Mason was staring at me concerningly, "Yeah, good. Just tired." I smiled.

"Yeah I feel that. I just wanna go back to the hotel." 

As he said that, an officer came over, "Hello, I'm detective Casey Warren and I was the officer called to the scene." He introduced, shaking hands with our teacher.

"Good news is, you're all free to go home." He smiled warily. But he stayed quiet after that, "Is there any bad news, officer?" 

He shook his head, "Nothing we can disclose with you, unfortunately. This is an ongoing investigation and the only bad news I can tell you is, we have to tell the parents of the victim." 

I felt rather guilty for the parents. And I felt like a horrible person for the one who discovered it. If I hadn't pointed it out I-

"Stop overthinking." Evelyn smiled, placing a warm hand on my shoulder, "We did the right thing." She assured me. I nodded once, "I know. I just can't help but think something's missing." 

I watched as the detective walked back into the investigation room. The glass door doing nothing to hide the board connected with string. I peered heavily into the room, trying to make out anything.

"Are you guys ready to leave? There's a car out front ready to transport us back to the hotel." Mrs Brickerely smiled.

"Yeah I just have one more question. I'll catch up with you guys." I said quickly, escaping through an open door.

"Excuse me, detective Warren?" I said, tapping him on the shoulder, "Ah, Sofia, right?" He smiled, "I have a question... about the c-case." I stumbled, guilt creeping up my throat. 

"Of course, please." He ushered to a chair but I declined, "It'll only take a second." 

I looked to the board next to us, taking in all the information I can before having to leave. "Does this case have anything to do with stalkers?" I said quietly.

Detective Warren seemed to hesitate before regaining his slim-face, "Unfortunately that is information I cannot disclose. Why, is there something you'd like to admit?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "I'm just wondering. When we found him, it sounded like we weren't alone." I shrugged. Detective Warren smiled, "Yes, we found footprints in the dirt. As well as tire tracks, a bullet casing and dried blood believed to be the victims." He said.

It was rather sad to think about, "My friend Mason touched his neck to see if he was still alive. But we guessed that... he hadn't been alive for a while." My voice faded out and Detective Warren nodded, "Yes, sadly. It seems as though he'd been there for a week." 

I'm not sure if he was supposed to be telling me this much information but I definitely wasn't complaining... "I was just wondering because I read an article about San Diego and how it's rate in stalkers is going up, I thought maybe it could help." 

From the corner of my eye I noticed a photo strewn under the table, discarded like it had fallen off and hadn't been found yet, "You dropped a photo." I said, pointing to the filing cabinet floor. 

"Oh, thank you." Detective Warren smiled, bending down to pick it up. While he did that, I snapped the quickest picture of the board. Sure, there are probably cameras in here but right now I did not care.

"Sorry, my friends are texting me." I lied, "All good. Sorry for taking up your night. Are you guys going to be alright?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah. We'll probably go back to the hotel and sleep before our flight tomorrow." 

Detective Warren opened the door for me, "Well I hope this didn't ruin your idea of San Diego, if you're ever back in town with your friends, come and say hey." 

I nodded, "We will. Bye, thank you." I waved, hurrying down the steps.

"Oh there you are, I was starting to get worried." Mrs Brickerely smiled, ushering me down the steps of the Precint, "Is everything alright?" Mrs Brickerely asked cautiously. I nodded quietly, taking a seat next to Evelyn who was squished next to Mason.

All was quiet in the cab ride back home. Mrs Brickerely said goodnight to us and followed us to our rooms until we were snug inside and locked away. "You were gone for a long time, are you okay?" Evelyn asked.

I could hear the rustle of her sheets as she climbed into bed, "We need to get the boys up here now. There's something they should see." I swallowed thickly, sucking in a breath.

I stared at the roof, seeing the glow of Evelyn's phone as she typed furiously on her phone.

And in a quick flash there was a knock at our door, "Hey, what's the emergency?" Mason said, sitting next to Evelyn. 

James took his place next to me, placing a reassuring hand on my knee as he rubbed it back and forth, "There was something in that Precint that didn't add up." 

"What are you talking about?" Mason questioned, "The officer who was asking us questions seemed like he didn't care. And when I talked to Detective Warren afterward, there were photos strewn up and connected with like- wire." 

"It's an information board. Every clue, tip or mark they see, they log it. And they connect it with string usually to keep times and tabs on everything." Mason said to me, "But there was a photo that wasn't on the board. Like someone had purposely put it on the ground so it would mess up the board." 

I opened my phone, scrolling between the two pictures.

"I don't get it, what am I looking at here?" James questioned, "This is the board. Everything they know about the two bodies. The one we found and the one they found."

"And this-" I swiped left, and heard audible gasps from all three of them, "Was found at the crime scene of the first person." 

A finger cut off and a letterman jacket with the initials CHHS. The old school logo from the year Ashton was at Church Hill High School. 

+ + + 

Dun dun DUUUUUN... did you expect that????

Thank you so much for 100 reads?? Are you kidding?? I love you guys so much <3 

Happy reading Xx

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