Chapter 17: Dark

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CJ told me everything, including how sweet Jason was to her and how he had walked her home after they left the party. She said she had kissed him but no more. I was happy for her.

I walked into school Monday, hoping the rumors wouldn't be too harsh.

That didn't really go as planned.

"So, is Fletcher, like, your, like, boyfriend?" Jane asked me in math. I mentally groaned. She says like, like literally every other, like, word. Like really?

"Uhm," I stalled, texting Fletcher. We had all given everyone in our detention group all of our numbers, so that we could talk and plan evil things to get detention. Even though by this point, Charlotte and I just walked in without detentions, for the heck of it.

Jennifer: wнaт are we тellιng people? тнaт yoυre мy вoyғrιend or noт?

"Ooh, are you, like, texting him?" Jane squealed.

"Maybe," I said, turning away.

Fletcher: ιтѕ noт oғғιcιal or anyтнιng. ѕo yoυr cнoιce

I turned back to Jane. "Not yet."

She pouted and stalked off. I mean, wouldn't a normal person be happy? But whatever.

Three more people asked me during math, and after the second one, I started giving them different answers just for the fun of seeing them argue about it later.


I braced myself and walked through the door, setting my books down at my normal seat by Fletcher.

"What did you tell them?" Fletcher asked.

I held up my phone to him, miming texting.

He stared at me for a second, then got it, pulling out his phone. I sat and typed a message of my own.

Jennifer: ι donт тнιnĸ тoo мany people ĸnow wнaт ι ѕaιd yeт, ѕo everyвodyѕ goιng тo вe conѕтanтly waтcнιng υѕ ғor ѕιgnѕ тнaт were тogeтнer. jυѕт тry noт тo ѕeт anyone oғғ

Fletcher: wнaт dιd yoυ тell тнeм, anywayѕ

Jennifer: υнм. ι мay нave gιven a coυple oғ тнeм dιғғerenт anѕwerѕ

Fletcher: ѕo we нave ѕoмe rooм тo cнange oυr ѕтory. good тнιnĸιng

Jennifer: υм... acтυally ιт waѕ тo ѕee тнeм argυe aвoυт ιт laтer. вυт yoυr тнeory ѕoυndѕ вeттer, ѕo we'll υѕe тнaт

Fletcher: oғ coυrѕe yoυ dιd XD

Jennifer: вlaze ιѕ geттιng ѕυѕpιcioυѕ, we ѕнoυld ѕтop тeхтιng

"Sure," Fletcher said out loud.

"What?" Blaze asked, looking between us.

"I was listening to music," Fletcher shrugged, miraculously pulling an earbud out of his hoodie.

"Were you guys at that party?" Blaze asked.

Cue in the dramatic music.

I shot Fletcher a desperate look.

"Party?" He scoffed. "Why would I ever go to a party? Wasn't a college party, was it. So no nope no, out of the question."

"There was a party?" I asked. "Oh, I think I heard Brianna say something about one. But I didn't go." Alone, I added to myself silently. "Did you?"

"Nah," Blaze shook his head. "Some Jake guy threw it?"

"Jason," I blurted, then quickly came up with an excuse. "Callie went, she said it was fun."

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