Chapter 24: Crying

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Fletcher asked me to be his girlfriend two days after Thanksgiving.


I was waiting in the park near my house. He had told me he would meet me there. Said we needed to talk. I wasn't sure if I should be worried.

I was sitting on a park bench, looking towards the road as I waited.

Suddenly, a piece of rough fabric was pulled down over my head, blocking out all light. I was blind, and I was being kidnapped.

"Ahh, no!" I screamed. But nobody was in the park this early, nobody could save me. The kidnapper picked me up bridal style, the bag still over my head. A

I tried to calm myself down. "Just a Febreze commercial, just a Febreze commercial," I repeated to myself.

My kidnapper started to laugh and I was sat down roughly as he, from the sound of it, laughed until he was hiccuping.

I tried to take the bag off my head without him noticing, but it was a huge bag and I got a little tangled.

"Let me go!" I yelped. The kidnapper stopped laughing and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Haha, shush, I guess this is good enough. Ready for your Febreze thing?"

I gasped. I knew that voice.

"Fletcher!" I screamed, hitting at the bag. "You bastard!"

He held my arms by my sides, wrapping his arms around me and holding me still till I calmed down. The bag was slipped off my head and I blinked up at the dreary, cloudy sky.

"I wanted to ask you something," Fletcher started. I was still wrapped in his arms, sitting on his lap on the damp grass.

"And this was of course the first way you thought of to do it, kidnapping me," I snorted, and shivered as a cold breeze stirred the leaves in the park. "Okay, well, you went through all that, go ahead."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Fletcher asked after a moment. I tilted my head back onto his shoulder and looked up at him, smiling.

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