Chapter 23: Charlie Brown Movies

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Thanksgiving was coming up in a few days, and we were already on break from school for it.

My phone buzzed from the counter and I panicked, not wanting my parents to hear it and wake up, and therefore witness my midnight snack of s'mores.

It was Fletcher.

Fletcher: are yoυ awaĸe?

Jennifer: wнo wanтѕ тo ĸnow???

Fletcher: oĸay, ι'll тaĸe тнaт aѕ a yeѕ. втw мy ғaмιly ιѕ coмιng over тo yoυr нoυѕe ғor тнanѕgιvιng ѕo yeaн ι'll jυѕт leт yoυ deal wιтн тнaт

I gasped and almost dropped my phone, pausing a moment to listen for the telltale noise of my parents door, then ran out the door and down the street, dialing his number.

"Fletcher!" I screamed when he picked up. "What are you doing? How am I supposed to convince my parents in three days?!"

He laughed into the phone. "Relax, baby. My parents don't know yet, so you just walk up to your parents and suggest having us over. Easy as that."

Baby. He called me baby. I closed my eyes and after calming my racing heart, sighed in exasperation. "Fine, whatever."

"Glad you got that all worked out," Fletcher said.

I remembered something. "Oh, and Fletcher?" I started. He waited. "Why the hell did you have to tell me this at three in the morning?"

"Chillax, you weren't asleep anyways," Fletcher said. I could picture him shrugging as he spoke. "Nobody is."

"If you say so," I yawned. "Now I don't know about you, but I'm gonna go back to sleep."

"Can I come?" Fletcher asked. I rolled my eyes and hung up.


"Mom, look, I know it didn't come with much warning, but please? We don't have anyone else coming over this year, and we can never eat all the food anyways," I pleaded. She still looked doubtful. "I'll help cook," I offered.

"Fine, go ask your dad," she gave in.

I beamed at her and it took all of two minutes to convince my dad.

I walked outside and called Fletcher.

"Okay, I got it cleared with the parental units, but don't expect me to type up some fancy invitation or anything," I said as soon as he picked up.

"Parental units," Fletcher snorted. "Well, I already told my 'parental units' we were coming, so that's good news."

"Bastard," I muttered, but I was smiling. It was such a Fletcher thing to do.

"What did you just say to me?" He fired back.

"You know what I said," I replied sweetly. "Bring dessert for the dinner, okay?"



Thanksgiving Day, my mom and I were in the kitchen all morning, cooking everything that makes Thanksgiving what it is.

Fletcher and his family came over at two, and we dropped our aprons and went to answer the door.

"Mom, Dad, this is Fletcher and his family," I introduced. Our parents shook hands and said hi to each other. Reece came up to the door, and his eyes widened when he saw Fletcher.

"Yo, Reece, my main man," Fletcher called.

"Um," Reece said, sidling up to the door. "Hi?"

"I'm Olivia," Fletcher's sister smiled at him.

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