Chapter 1

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"Come on Ben we gotta go!" You screamed upstairs to you brother since he lives by you in London After the accident with your parants. You and your brother wanted to do something funny today for the first time after your parents died, so you got the idea to drive to a jump house where Ben always wanted to go.

You hear how he runs down the stairs and now stands in front of you fully dressed
"I'm so excited, thank you for going with me there." He said and hugged you around you waist whereupon you hug him and then pat on the shoulder and say
"No problem I would do anything for you, but we really gotta go." You chuckled to him and he runs outside into the garage and had already taken the car key with him and ran away from you laughing. You only realized it a socond later and then you laugh at yourself and jog to your car where Ben is already sitting in the passenger seat.

You start the car and Ben turned on your playlist for long car rides. He turned the music up very loud and you both sing to it like the funniest people on earth and forget what has happened in the last few months, which you could also feel with Ben and you were glad that he forgets everything for a moment and just that does what he enjoys, notwithstanding that messing around with you.

You linger on the freeway and give a little more gas, which Ben also likes which you could see clearly. The streets were completely free except for a truck in front of you that is taking the speed away from you
"Du you want to overtake him?" You asked Ban with a smirk on your facen and he
"Is that even a question? Of course, I want to be faster than him." Ben said with a laugh which also makes you laugh, you looked again in the mirror of your car to make sure that the street is free, and start to drive on the other lane.

However, suddenly a car came from behind and did not see you lengthening over and drives into your side from behind whereupon you no longer have your car under control and it is pushed into the ditch on the right side with a rollover and landing there upside down.
The owner of the other car just managed to bring his car to a standstill without anything bad having happened.

He saw your car completely destroyed and lying upside down in the ditch, which is why he quickly gets out and calls an ambulance. The ambulance arrived after about ten minutes and started working straight away. First they pulled you out, but you didn't notice anything because you were unconscious. Then they saw your brother and tried to pull him out too, which worked after a little more effort, they put him next to you and checked your heartbeat on both of you and whether you are stable enough.

Everything was ok about you except the injuries and the unconsciousness but now it came to your brother, he was significantly more injured than you and was also passed out. The rescue worker checked his heartbeat but did not feel it and tried to look for one on his neck and wrist again, but again he felt nothing and began to do a heart massage to get his heart pumping again, he even did oral ventilation and everyone helped, but it didn't bring anything and your brother was officially dead.

The police arrived and asked the other driver what happened who is completely under shock. However, he explained everything to the police officers
"I drove normaly straight out and did not see that she drives there on the other is all my fault." He said Quick and put his hands on his hands and walking in circles one officer tried to calm him down
"Hey please calm down a bit. What do you mean it's all your Fault?" The police asked the Man how is calmed down a bit now bit is still upset
"I were on my phone while driving this is why I didn't saw the car." He admitted to and sat down on the floor with tears in his eyes because he knew that he had a child on his conscience.

While the police talked to the Man the Rescue workers lift you and your brother in the car to take you to the hospital and your brother to the morgue. In the hospital you have been watched and after three days you finally woke up. And the The first thing you do is ask for your brother and the doctors just lower your head and say
"I'm sorry but your brother didn't make it." As you heared it you zooned completely out and couldn't belive it that you also lost the last thing that you had After you parents death.

Pov now:
"And that is how the car accident happened." You said to your therapist almost emotionless.
She nodded and began to speak up
"And how do you get along with this hole situation?" She asked you with a curious look on her face. You look at her and you shrug your shoulders
"Actually good that I just lost my brother too." You said but it was a obvious lie because of your lose from your parents and from your brother too you put away your grief with sexual activities, whether with a one night stand, with yourself or with some toys just so that you don't feel the pain and feel better.

"Shoukd I really belive this?" You therapist asked you with raised eyebrows and looked at you firmly but you wipe her eyes off and she sighed
"I see I won't get you to tell me more today and our time is up too, we'll see each other again on Friday " she said and stand up and held a hand out for you to shake.
You accept the handshake from her and you also stand up and you said goodbye to each other.

You went to your car and let your tears run which you suppressed the whole time while telling the accident. You managed to recover and drove to your apartment, with the you take the elevator to the top of your apartment but when you got up you saw that there are a few boxes across from your apartment, what does that mean someone is moving in. At first you were annoyed by it because you no longer have any peace because your and the other apartment were the only two apartments in the hallway.

But then when you unlock your door someone comes out of the other across from you and was about to take a kistw when he saw you
"Hey I'm Tom, I just moved in here as you can see." Your new nqchbar said to you very kindly what you force a smile on yourself and turn around but when you saw him your smile became real
"Hey I'm y/n, I hope your moving in good?"
You said very friendly and you both shake hands with a smile.
"Yeah It's okay, I have a lot to do still." He laughed at you a bit. After that sentence you two said goodbye and you disappear in your apartment.

You lean against the door and think to yourself that he looks very good, when you think about him your 'distraction' came up again and you quickly disappear into the bedroom. You take off your clothes quickly and lie down on the bed, your thoughts wander the whole time to Tom while you play around with your clit. Not long and a moan comes out of your mouth but you quickly hushed yourself because you are no longer alone here and Tom could you hear. So you covered you mouth with one hand and with the other one you let glide one finger inside of you and curl them wich make you muffle a moan against your hand. You got faster the closer you get to your orgasm and one last time you penetrate with your finger and stimulate your clit with your thumb and you come on your finger where your juice drips down onto the bed.

After you done your thing and cleaned yourself up, you put on sweatpants and a large sweater and put a massy bun on your head. You got down in the living room and watched some TV untill you fall asleep but got waken up by a knock on your door.

This is the first chapter from my Story:Sex Addicted and all how read my oneshots Till now know what is coming. Enjoy reading let me know in the comments it you like it.

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