Chapter 21

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"I'm gonna go now, I'll be back soon." He whispered to you and kissed your forhead again while a tear slipped out of his eyes
"Mkay, I love you Tommy." You mumbled still with eyes closed and got to sleep
"I love you too my darling." He whispered and than got finally out of the room and took all the drugs you have left and flushed them down the toilet and then completely left your apartment.

Tom's pov:
I said a last time 'I love you' to my darling before I flushed all the drugs we had left down the toilet and leaved her apartment to made my way to my best mate Harrison. As I drove to him all the pain and also love I had and also have to y/n came back with one second and a tear slipped out of my eye as I still drove. It hurts me like hell to leave her just like that without her even knowing but it is the best for both of us. She have to get clean just as me, and than we can work things out again. Although I don't even know if I'll really come back, not that y/n falls back into old habits, it would break my heart more than leaving her completely.

I arrived at my best friend's house, I hadn't seen him in a long time and he didn't even know about the drug use that me and y/n had been doing for the past few months. I know it's a huge favor I'm going to ask Harrison, but I still hope with everything I have that he does it.
I rang on his door and he opend and was surprised to see me at first but than his face dropped a bit and he looked more worried
"Hey mate, I havn't seen you in ages...what happend? You Look like a piece of shit. And where is y/n?"
I couldn't even blame him for saying how shit I look because I knew it was true. My skin has become totally impure over time, I have very large dark circles under my eyes and I tremble and sweat every second that I spend without drugs, I had lost over fifteen kilograms weight.
I just nodded my head at his questions and walked into his house, he closed the door and walked up to me and wanted to say somethign but I was more quicker than him.
"Can you do me a favor?" I asked him with no emotions in my voice or face just my eyes were a little wider than usual and they looked somewhere else every second.
"Uhh Yeah Sure.." he responded and his brows frowned at me.
"You have to look After y/n while I'm not here." I mumbled and left haz still confused infront of me, I could see the questions in his eyes
'what do you mean?'
'Where are you going?'
'Are you okay?' 
'what about you and y/n?'
'What happand?'
And all this things that went through his head, I could only read through his eyes.
"Y/n started doing drugs a few months ago when she thought i cheated on her with zendaya." I confessed to Harrison who listened to me with trepidation and shock, but he also waited until I finished speaking
"She had already a drug Problem before that. And suddenly she took more and more and she also took very hard stuff and at some point I couldn't handle it anymore and took some of her pills myself." I explained to him and I felt tears forming in my eyes as I thought about how it all started, but I continued
"We found a drug dealer and got more and more every week. Until we tried heroin, we felt this rush, a completely different one from the other drugs, and so heroin became our number one drug. I noticed how the time in which she could manage without drugs was shortening, also for me, it was getting worse and worse and we  practically only lived on drugs."
I told the Story and Harrison interrupted me for the first time when he saw how it went down, the tears in my eyes now ran down my cheeks.
"That is why you both didn't Show up to any of us...but why are you telling me this now and not earlier?" Harrison realized with a slightly broken voice as he saw how bad his best friend was really doing and hadn't noticed.
"Because I want that y/n is clean again, healthy again. I want her happy again, and I know that we have to be apart for it..." I started and a sob came out of me just thinking about being away from her again. Haz hugged me while I sobbed in his shirt and that break away from him after soem seconds
"You have to look After her for me, that she doesn't take anything while I'm away and that she have someone who is always by her side you know..." I explained to him and he nodded immediately
"I will take care of her for you." he assured me but I really wanted him to take it seriously
"You have to move into her can't let her out of your sight for one second. Do you hear me? Please she can't go one like this, she is really bad, please get her clean."
Harrison was a bit shocked but also understood me completely that I take it so seriously.
"I'm gonna go to a rehab to get clean, I don't know how long it takes or if I even come back. So please if I don't come back, make her happy with all you have okay?" He nods his head and now he lets tears out of his eyes at the thought that he might not see me again either, I couldn't help but tears run down my eyes and had to hug him, he's been my best friend since ever.
"Love you mate." I said to him while we still hugging us with tears in my eyes and the sobs from haz in my ear.
"Me too." He said to me with a broken vioce and we break away after some more seconds. I gave him a tired but also lovely smile which he returned and I got out of his house while he still looks after me, and with that I got in my car and drove to the place where I would rehab the next months or more.
As I drove there, I wanted to turn around again and go to my girl again, I wanted to be with her, to do it with her but I knew deep inside that it wasn't going to work and that we would just go back to drugs. And I hope that she understand that I have to go, but I also hope that Harrison protects, supports and makes her happy with everything he has and with everything he can.

Haz' pov:
As Tom drove off again I saw after him still with tears in my eyes because of the thought that I may never see him again, but he is my best friend since ever actually and it Breaks my heart to see him like this but if it helps him he should do it. And in case I don't see him again I go after his last request he had for me and take care of y/n that she gets clean again and make her happy and help her to understand why Tom had left. I packed a few things and made my way to y/n's appartement and got in with the key under the doormat. I didn't hear anything so I got up to look After y/n to find her asleep in her bed, so I got out again and down in the livingroom where I sat myself on the couch and let all what just happend with Tom sit.
Some time has past now and I heard how she called out for Tom, and I had to fight with myself that I don't break down in tears because I have to explain to her that he might not come back again.

You woke up but in a empty bed
"Tom?" You called out for your boyfriend but you didn’t hear him so you decided to look After him in your apartment and walked down the stairs
"Tommy?" You asked again as you got to the stairs and you saw a figure on the couch but it wasn't you Tom and you brows frowned at the person. Who turned around and you saw Harrison with Red puffy eyes and you were more than confused by now
"Haz wh-what are you doing here.?" You asked him as normal as possible becasue he still doesn't know from your side the drug use. Harrison could see and hear that you tried to cover all up but he shook his head at you and said
"Tom told me, you don't have to pretend that everything is okay." He said to you and your brows even frowned more at him but you also nodded your head and walked up to him and wanted to say something but you felt how sich you get. You wanted to go up to the bathroom in time but it was already too late and you're throwing up at Harrison's feet, and he knew from now on how hard it's going to be to get you completely clean. You walked up in the bathroom and got into your mirror cabinet to get out some heroin or pills but you couldn’t find any and you started to freak out, Haz came up to you to see what you are doing but you didn’t notice him and just keep looking for any drugs while you clear out the whole closets in your bathroom and it all ends up on the floor.
You looked at Harrison with big eyes
"Where did you put them?" You asked him with heavy breath and clenched jaw but he didn't responded so you assume that he has thrown everything away and push him out of your way and on. You punch his chest while you keep asking where he put the drugs until he grabs your arms and stares at you and his voice gets louder
"I didn't put them anywhere, Tom flushed them down the toilet and you never going to get something again! Tom left!!" He screamed in your face on what you flinched and you had a shocked face
"What?" You said in a whisper and Haz sighed and sat you on your bed and kneels in front of you and holds your hands in his while you keep staring at him.
"Tom came to me today and said that he go to rehab and that I should get you clean and look After you while he is away...but he also said that he might never come back." Haz nodded at you and his voice Breaks again by the last part. You couldn't believe him, you didn't want to believe him. You weren't able to do anything. Your world just fell apart completely when he told you that Tom might never come back. So you just shook your head in 'no' and got up and walked down to the livingroom and took your phone to dial Tom's number and held your phone to your ear while it beeped. Harrison ran down with you and watches you put your phone to your ear, gnashing your fingernails and pacing back and forth nervously and in a panic. But Tom didn't answer, only his mailbox
"Tom you better awnser your phone right now..." you said on his mailbox and shake your head as you hang up
"He wouldn't do this, he can't just do that..." you mumbled to yourself and Haz came up to you and hugged you really tight
"He can't do this to me.." you sobbed into Haz' shirt and tears leave your eyes. Out of you came screams and you break down in his arms, which makes you scream and cry more and more, he sits on the ground with you on his lap while you cling to him, and Haz also shed several tears because you are so hurt.
"He have to come back..." you muffled into your boyfriends, bestfreinds shirt.
It didn't took you a long time to fall asleep in Haz' arms and he carried you up to your bed but he stayed with you and continued to hold you if you wake up and there is no one around he prefers to stay with you to make you feel a little more secure and be comforted.

I had birthday this monday wuhu.😁 Alright finally the next chapter. I hope you like it and enjoyed reading. :)

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