Chapter 17

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A month had past now, you did a lot with Harrison and you must say that a good friendships got out of it but you also spend much time with the Hollands. You did a lot of ideas from your clothes for yourself but also much things for your customers.
With Tom you didn't had really much contact because of the time differences but you got everyday a 'good morning' and
'Good night' message from him what made your days even better than they are.
But not just good things happend the time when Tom wasn't there, you got more to your therapist and weren't that happy qhen you are with Tom and you could even feel that by yourself, you also cried sometimes but not just because that you miss Tom, you miss your family the most, you want to tell them about Tom how happy he is making you and what progress you make in your life. But you can nothing do than just look up and talk with them in that way because if your honest you are scared to go to their graves, you don't even know why but something is stopping you but you want to change that so you got a little help from Haz, Harry and Sam and just like that you wher on the way to the cemetery where your parents and brother lie underground.
Your nervousness grew and you wiggle your leg in the passenger seat while Haz drives and the twins sit in the back seat. You finally got there after a half an hour drive, you hesitate before you opend the car door with the three boys following you to the graves, and there they are only one step away from you on the ground, you hate to show emotions to other people but in that Moment you fell to your knees and tears dropped down on the earth, sobbings came out of your mouth and Haz wanted to hug you but the twins stopped him saying that this moment is just between you and your family so they also walked a few steps away from you that you have some time alone.
"Hey mom and dad. Hey little brother...."
You whisperd and looked to their tombstones
"I really miss you, but I met someone, his name is Tom. He makes me a better, happier person...he makes me forget everything just with his eyes." You chuckled soft and played with your fingers.
"And I got some New friends Harrison, Harry and Sam...well not exactly"
And that is where the boys listen to you
"...they are like my family, just as Tom's family they are all so nice and care about me, I'm really happy to have them....They are my family. I love you." You whispered and some more tears escaped your eyes as you stand on your feets again, feeling three boys hugging you
"You are also our family y/n/n" they said and you smiled, closed your eyes and falling into their touch.
You were so proud of yourself after so long time again, that you finally could do this step.
In the end of the day you lie in your bed and look up at the ceiling as you decide to tell Tom about your success, so you made an voice message for him and told him everything you did today with your brothers and his best friend. Of course you are happy and you can Text and call with Tom  but he is not there with you and it is just not the same.

You have more time for your clothes again and you have fun making these but as you opend your Shop again there were so much ask if you can do this or that, it's your job of course but it's very stressful because you don't have any employees. And you have much request about some clothes so you have decided to spend a whole day sewing clothes for your customers, and thats what you did, all seven open orders on one day. If you are good you make five a day before your family died so it is a Real requirement for you but still you were really optimistic and you started your work very early to really get everything ready for the appointment where they will be picked up. For your luck there were two of them who just wanted some nicer underwear instead of a complete lingerie.
After nine and a half hours of work, only sent lingerie, you were done and not just with your clothes, also with your nerves and your energy. But it was worth it, you haven't been happy with yourself and your clothes for a long time so you could just smile at your work and packed them quickly to go to sleep after that. But before you could sleep you got a Text from Tom

Really? That is great darling. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, not just because of your success but also on your view of my family and friends. I can't wait to come back home to finally see you, kiss you and Touch you again. It's so stressful here sometimes but I managed to escape for a moment while listening to your message.
I love you. x

You smiled to yourself at it and got finally to sleep.

Some time has past and Tom would come home in about a month and you couldn’t be happier.
You worked till afternoon in your shop and decided to go home now because no one would come today. As you walked to your car, your phone slipped out of your hand and fell onto the cobblestone floor and slid a little further away from you. Your eyes pressed together and you hoped that it wasn't too broken, with that hope you pick up your phone and see that it's completely broken, even a few parts of your display jumped out and there was no point in doing it on since you only had a black screen. You sighed and walked to your car and just drove home, you were enoyed and upset at the same time, because you can't buy a new mobile phone at the moment, since you also have to pay for other things with your money.
You just hoped that nothing important are going to happen until you can buy another one. After you eaten something, an idea came to you but you weren't quite sure if you should do it.
But in the end you got into your car and drove to Tom's family and rang on the door. Nikki opend it a litte confused but as she saw you her face light up and a smile formed on her lips.
"Hello sweetheart, what are you doing here?" She asked friendly as she opend the door wider for you to walk in and you followed her into the livingroom where Harry, Sam and Paddy are sitting. They all jumped up as they saw you and hugged you with a smile and you all sat down after it.
"So I don't know if it's rude to ask it but, my phone broke today and I don't have the money at the moment to buy a new one. Do you maybe have an old one what I could have?" You asked nervous and looked at nikki after you ended your sentence, she nodded with a smile and said
"Yes of course you can have my old one, it is not the best but it's enough to write messages until you can buy a new one." And walked to the TV table where a few seconds later she takes out a cell phone box and comes back to the sofa
"And it's completely fine to ask it y/n." She added and gave you the Box, at least you could write with Tom again if something should happen.
"Thank you Nikki." You smiled and gave her a little hug.

(A little time skip again hehe)
Just a week until Tom would come back and you are on the way with Haz to finally buy a new phone. You got into the Shop and looked at the most diverse models, what are the best for you. After some time Haz showed you a cell phone, the
iPhone 11 pro. It is a really good phone and you ended up buying it, after that you both drove to the Hollands house but the whole past few days Haz but also Tom's family got around you and behaved strangely when they saw you, you could tell that they wanted to cover it up, but it didn't work that well in your eyes.
You arrived and got out of the car and in the house, and again everyone acted different beside you but you didn't let it show that you knew that something was different. You finished setting up your phone with Harry helping you and as soon as you logged on to instagram you saw how your search page is full of only this one picture. Your eyes Bild with tears and you you looked up to Harry who is looking at you with a pitiful look as well as everyone else in the room but soon the door opend and your look got to the person who had just opend the door and stand up.

Alright finally the next chapter. I'm really sorry for not Posting but now I have more time again. Hope you like it and enjoyed reading. :)

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