Chapter 19

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Tom's pov:
Me and Zendaya stayed in a hotel while we were filming Spiderman, of course in different rooms. I offered her to drive her one day because well we obviously have to go to the same place so why not.
Everything was fine until I had to stop at a red traffic light and just as I got the car to a stop she pulled me in with her hand on my cheek and didn't let me back up. I didn't even want it, I'm happy with y/n and I love her but Zendaya had me so firmly in her grip that I only got away from her when I pushed her upper body away after about three seconds.
I looked at her in shook
"What are you thinking!?" I said a little louder than my normal voice is, she also looked shooked at me but not because I just shouted at her but because she was shocked by herself
"T-Tom I'm sorry I-I.." she didn't even knew what she should say to me but She didn't get very far when I heard a horn behind us and saw that the traffic light was green, so I drove off and we both didn't say a word to each other the whole car ride and even on Set I ignored her as i could or at least where we don't have scenes together.
I just had a break and looked on my phone and lots of tags from insta pop up on my phone, I clicked on one and saw a picture how Zendaya kissed me in my car earlier. On the photo it looks like that I wanted the kiss but in reality it was completely different.
But than I realized and thought about what if y/n sees the photo before i could even explain it to her. I ran out of my Trailer to Jon the director
"Jon! Do we have all scenes, because I really have to go home like now!" I explained to him under stress what he had to process first in order to understand me first
"Well we have all scenes but we have to reshot some of them, Tom." He explained to me and I nodded, I quickly did some Research on my phone when the next plane to London is going.
And that was in four hours, and I realized that if we hurry, we could make it.
"Okay can we start now please?" I asked him on what he nodded in confusion and we did all the reshots and it went pretty well, we didn't had to do a scene twice, so we finished just in time so that I could get still the fight.
I quickly drove to the hotel packed my things, checked out and drove to the airport. I ran to the Information and the woman looked at me with a friendly smile and waited for me to say something
"Hello, ehm is there a ticket free for the plane to London today?" I asked her quickly, she looked at her computer and typed something
"I'm sorry but the last plane to London today leaves in ten minutes." she said sympathetically but i really needed to get this one so i start talking again
"Isn't there something you can do that I can go on board with?" But she shaking her head and pursing her lips, i sighed and asked next
"Is there a fight tomorrow?" after about a minute
"Yes there is, but it would be first at 4pm." She said and I nodded adn said that I wanted to have one seat in the first class, that no one would make a big Deal with recognize me. After she booked my ticket, I went to the waiting area and sat down, it was relatively late and it was already dark, I dropped automatically onto my backpack beside me on another seat and fell asleep. I mean what other choice did I have, I didn't have my hotel room anymore and I was way too tired to drive.
I woke up be the sun's rays shine through the large windows of the airport. I looked at my phone and checked the time, it was already 10am and I sat up. I was on the phone and then got a coffee and something to eat from the baker in the building. I was bored to death but also stressed that I might be too late to explain it to my darling before it came across the wrong way by the picture. However, I overstretched the further hours and finally sat on the plane to London. After a few hours the plane landed and I got off and rushed out of the airport and then made my way to my parents' house. Since y/n wrote to me a few days ago that she would be spending the next few days with my family.
I got there and opend the door since i still have the keys from them for an emergency. I stand there and closed the door again, all eye were on me and I saw how y/n looked at me in disbelive and that is when I realized that I was too late to get things right. She walked up to me and slapped across my face, tears formed in my eyes and i held my cheek but i started crying not because she hit me but because i knew i screwed up. I wanted to grab her habds but before I could even Touch them, she pulled them quickly away.
She screamed and shouted at me while tons of tears running down her face, i didn't even blame her as i would probably react the same way if i found out through a photo that my girlfriend kissed someone else while she was in another state. I stood there and tears also ran down my cheek which later found their way to the floor. She even said that with her grief, how she has processed it or is still doing it, which shocked me a little because my family, including Harrison, was in the room and they all heard it.
But than she asked me something
"I just want to know one thing...did you fuck her?" She asked me calm and walked a few steps forward me, I couldn't eben speak that she would think that so I just shool my head in no but she even asked me if I was Sure
"I really didn't y/n, you have to belive me that." I said and walked a little forward to her and looked down in her eyes with so much guilt, you never saw in someone's eyes. She nodded and breathed a little 'okay' and than Haz came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder while she was still looking up at me, he apologized and I were a little confused but that y/n turned to him and brushed his hand down
"No you don't got to say that....all of you!" She said while looking in the round of my family which leads me to conclude that she only saw it earlier before I came here. My mum walked up the her but she stopped in the middle and everyone looked sympathize at y/n.
The last thing I heard from my love Was when she walked past me and mumbled
"I hope you're happy with her." And than left before I even could say one word to her but she didn't let me explain everything the whole time.
I broke down to the floor and buried my head in my hands, I felt my best friends arms around me after a few seconds who told me that everything will be alright and that she will belive me but I knew I lost her so I lost myself and yelled a little at him, that nothing is going to be okay and that she will never belive me. I stood up and my mum said
"I'm disappointed in you Thomas." And it broke my heart a little more but I couldn't blame her I was disappointed in myself, I just took my things and went upstairs to my old room.
I had a total nervous breakdown, my whole world crumbled within a quarter of an hour and it's also my fault so at least that's what I tell myself. I was pacing up and down my room crying like never before in my life but the sadness quickly turned to anger, anger at myself. I looked at myself in the mirror that was hanging on the wall from before and hit it with my fist so that hundreds of shards landed on the floor.
"Fuck!!" I screamed as I knocked over a chest of drawers and all the things that were in it, but also the draf staden were spread on the floor between the shards. I sat myself on the bed and pulled my legs up to me and put my head on my knees to wrap my arms around them and sobbed and screamed. I hurt my hand hitting the mirror but I ignored it.
I cried the whole night and I was Sure that no one could get one second of sleep because my noises. The next morning I eventually got up and walked down in the kitchen to wrap my hand up, my mum looked at me in shook as she saw my hand and how Bad I looked, so she took over cleaning and bandaging my hand.
I thanked her and got up again to putting the chest of drawers back in place and putting the things in it, i also swept away all the broken pieces of the mirror.
After that I got down again with all my things and Haz who still was here offered me a ride home which I thankfull accept but we didn't speak to each other not that it was akward but he knew that I didn't want to and respect that. We just said our goodbye to each other and I got up to my apartment. As I walked along the floor, y/n pressed herself passed me and opened her door as quickly as possible and closed it again as quickly as possible.
She was shaking and could hardly put her key in the lock, I also noticed that she is totally pale and she is sweating a lot.
"Y/n are you okay?" I asked her in panic but she didn't anwser me and got into her flat. I only saw her door again and frantically knocked for her to open up, of course I just hurt her and she won't normally open up for me but it that would be best for both of us to open but no matter how many times I knocked on it she won't open up and I got quiet for a moment and only heard her laughing to herself like she was in a completely different world.

Alright here is the next part, I just wanted to do ut in Tom's view so here it is. And I just wanted to say that I don't hate Zendaya or anything like this and I think that Tom and her are a really cute couple.
Hope you like it and enjoyed reading.

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