Chapter 3

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He apologized and walked a few meters away from you to answer his phone.
You sighed out of relief but also out of disappointment that you haven't kissed. But on the other hand, it would have been too early even for you.

You heard Tom how he discussed with someone on the phone but you couldn't hear what he was saying but not long after that he hung up and walked back to you and sat down again.

Tom's pov:
I leand down to kiss her, y/n, she is so beautiful and I laid my eys on her when I saw her in the hallway for the first time this morning, of course it was too early to say whether something could come of it, but I still hoped it would.
I brushed with my lower lip on her's but then my phone rang and I was a little uncomfortable when I apologized and then just got up to answer the cell phone.
"Hello?" I said because I didn't looked on the name when I picked up.
"Hey mate It's Harry here I just wanted to remember that you have a photo shoot tomorrow morning." The voice on the phone said and I let out an angry breath what Harry could hear
"Are you alright?" Harry asked and I could hear his confused face through his voice
"Couldn't you just Call me later or just write me?" I said a bit louder and I hoped that y/n didn't realy heard it
"I just wanted to remember you man." Harry said in the phone and I pricked my forehead and covered my eyes with a hand and said
"Yeah thanks." And before Harry could say anything more I just hung up and walked back to y/n and sit myself again beside her.

Normal pov:
"Hey is everything okay?" You asked him a bit worried because he looked a bit stressed
"Yeah Sure why not?" He asked you but smiled at you warmly as he looked into your eyes
"Well I heard you saying something a bit louder and you look a bit stressed.?" You said a little quieter than before and Tom noticed it but didn't knew what to say now.

"It's quiet late. Should we do something tomorrow?" You asked unsure as you played with you fingern and looked on your lap
"Ehm I don't have really time tomorrow-" Tom wanted to say something else but you interrupted him as You thought that he doesn't want to do anything with you
"Oh It's okay." You said Quick and didn't want to show your disappointment but Tom saw it on your face
"No y/n, I have a Fotoshooting tomorrow. But you can cone with me if you want!?" He said as he looked into your face and touched you arms to turn you a bit around so that you lokked at him again. You smiled a bit and said
"Yeah Sure why not.?" And he laughed a bit at you mood change and how you enjoy spending time with him and that only made him happier because he hadn't said until now that he is an actor and that you don't just want to spend time because of his fame or money.

You were a little surprised about the photo shoot but let it go and you both sat on the cliff a bit. You were getting tired and yawning when you put your head on Tom's shoulder again and closed your eyes. You just noticed how he laid his head ontop of yours and smiled before you drift off to sleep.
Tom noticed that you fell asleep and smiled to himself of how you cuddled yourself a bit on his arm. But soon also Tom get tiered but he didn't want to wake you up so he picked you up and you hid your face on his chest in your sleep, he sat you on the passenger seat and he climbed into the driver's seat and drove off. He didn't knew where you were so he had to use the navi and when the voice of it appeared for the first time you slowly woke up and looked around in amazement.

At first you didn't knew what's going on but soon as you looked to you side you saw how Tom looked concentrated on the road. And you smiled on the point that he drive home and didn't woke you up.
Tom saw that something moved in the corner of his eye so he quickly looked over at you and then immediately looked back at the street
"slept well?" He asked you and it It took you a moment to realize that he meant you
"Yeah thanks." You said with a litte laugh wich made him smile
"No problem but for what?" He asked to you thanks and you answered him
"Well that you drive and lat me sleep and that you asked how I slept.?" You said but it cane you in a question and also looked at him as it were a question.
"But why do you have a Fotoshooting tomorrow?" You said a bit confused before he could say anything. Tom sighed but that opend his mouth
"Well I really want to say it but it would be bezter if we first get home okay?" he asked unsure how you would react but you reacted completely differently than he would have thought with just a simple 'okay', other girls would have asked further but you were different from everyone else what Tom had noticed before, but did you find it interesting for him and once again that evening he smiled to himself.

After a few minuts you arrived at the building where you two have your Apartments and got into the elevator after he parcked your car on the street.
The lift ride up was quiet again but luckily not uncomfortable, when you got upstairs you ran to your doors but before you could open yours Tom pulled you into his and you looked at him a bit puzzled
"Well you asked why I have a Fotoshooting tomorrow..." he started to tell while you both sat down on his sofa
"...and well, I don't know how to say that. I'm an Actor and I didn't tell you Till now because I don'tknow how you would react and I'm scaredthat you only want to spend time with me because of my fame and my money." he said the first part rather for himself and the second part too quickly because he got the feeling that he have to explain himself. You looked at him and saw his nervous face and waiting for you to say something about it
"Tommy I would never spend time with you just because of your mobey or your fame." You said quiet almost in a whisper so that he know that you really mean it.

You put your hands on his cheeks to cup his face and he looked a last time at you before you pulling him to you to take him in a hug. He was a bit suprised but ended up wrapping his arms around your upper body and resting his head on your shoulder and neck to close his eyes and mumbled agaunst your neck crotch
"I didn't want to make you feel like I don't trust you also when we don't know each other long." He said and you could hear and feel it that he still want to apologize.

After a few more seconds you separated from each other and he looks at you again and now it came what you have been waiting for
"I just was scared how you would rea-" he started but you could only pay attention to his lips and so you ended up finally kissing his lips, he was surprised but of course he kissed you back and the kiss got quickly intense with his hand on the back of your head and the other one on your waist. You noticed more and more how you lose control over yourself so you break away from the kiss slowly and lean your forhead still with your eyes closed on his.
You let out a shaken breath and said
"We should stop." With a whisper and Tom nodded but also a bit disappointed. You pull your head away from Tom's again and you look at each other again until you get up to go to the door whereupon Tom follows you. You opend the door and turn one last time to Him
"Be ready by 10am tomorrow okay?" He asked you on wich you nodded and you leand forward and kissed him on hus cheek and smiled at him and whispered
"Night." And walked to your own door and Tom didn't closed his one Til your door us closed again. He smiled again on how shy you can be at one point.

As you closed your door you smiled but soon you felt the warmth and your pulse in your feminine area and you couldn't hold it anymore so you put out your phone and put the vibrator that is always not in you on the first level and you feel like it tingles inside you but after a short time you noticed that this level will by no means be enough to bring you to orgasm so you put it on the middle level and your whole body was trembling when you felt it stronger inside you.
"Fuck!" You screamed out as you noticed that you are about to have your orgasm.
One more step up and you came into your thong and the vibrator in you. And you had to say that you underestimated this little thing, because when you take it out you slipped down the door and you were completely at the end. But you get yourself again to walk upstaurs to your room but also with a little help on the railing but the main thing is you have done it.
The last thing you did was changing and got to bed but before you could sleep you thought about the evening and a little smile formed on your lips all alone.

The next chapter. Hope you like it and enhoy reading. But I don't know yet when the next chapter are going to come because of school.

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