Chapter 22

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You woke up and the first thing you did was throwing up on Haz who's in bed with you. You actually needed some time to realize what just happened and when you did Haz woke up but you got sick again, Haz wanted to turn around but it was already too late and you vomited again on Harrison who passed you with an annoyed look on his face looks but he wasn't annoyed because of you he couldn't be because it's not really your fault now.
Takes you to the bathroom and wipes your mouth clean with a washcloth before going into your bedroom and stripping the bed. He's looking for new references, where he first looked in your bedside table, but he didn't find any but a text. As he let it through he saw that it was from Tom and so as not to make things even more difficult for you he puts it back and closes the drawer before you stagger into the room as you are a little wobbly on your feet.
With a little help from you he found the sheets and made your bed new while you watch him, he changes his shirt and takes you down to the kitchen island which you use as a dining table and makes breakfast for both of you.
As he made it you suddenly came up with a mumble, he turned around and frowned his brows at xou as you tried to open a simple sweet where you just have to pull at the two ends to open it. But you can't even take it in your hand, you got frustrated and you were about to burst into tears
"Do you need help?" Haz carfully asked you while he walked up to you and sat himslef beside you and watched you struggle with the sweet. In the end it took you a bit of time and it was annoying to even get in in your hands, but you still managed to do it.
Harrison smiled at you really happy and runs a hand down your back to show how proud he is of you. You also wanted to smile at him but it just came a breath out of your parted lips and the corner of your mouth twitched up a bit while you stare at your hands where the candy is. Haz went back to making breakfast, some scrambled eggs with toast, he figured it's best to start after you haven't really eaten in the past few months, and since you're not quite able to use your senses, he thought so it would be good exercise.
He put the plate infront of you and sat beside you to help you, incase you couldn’t do it.
You tried, you really did but you just ended up to put your fingers on the fork while Haz was already done with his.
"Come on help you.." he said in a calming voice and you accepted his help even if you didn't wanted it at first.
With his help you ended up to eat half of the plate, it wasn't much because Haz also didn't put much on yours but it was still the beginning and for that it was a really good progress for you.
"I'm so proud of you." He said and handed you a cup with water in it, you pull the mug towards you on the worktop and try to lift it but you failed, after some minutes you look up at Harrison who is still watching you, he got the hint and helped you with it.
He put his hand around yours on the mug and lifted it up to your lips, you put them on the mug and Haz still holds it a bit crookedly with your hand under his and you drink a few sips and you put the cup together back on the table.
"You want to watch a movie or something?" He asked you on what you nodded slightly with your head. He stood up and supported you with his arms while you walk to the Sofa and sat down.
You two watched the first Film than the second and than even the third. At the time you had cuddled up to Haz because of your wight Lose you can't really get that warm as normal people, as healthy people. Even if it's really warm for him in your livingroom you are freezing cold and he put for you a blanket over the two of you so that you have the warmth of His body and the covers. After the third movie finished you yawned into his chest what made him look at you.
"Can we go in Tom's apartment today?" You asked him. This is probably the first word you said today, he saw that you are sad to even ask this and he doesn't want to make this harder for you, and he thinks that Tom's smell alone will only bring you down even more. But on the other hand he could see that you just needed this right now, so he sighed slightly and nodded his head.
"Yeah of course, you want to eat something before we go over?" He asked you but you shook your head in 'no'. It upset him a little because you just ate the half of your breakfast but he can't expect much, it's the first day for you to be without drugs since months so he is still proud of you.
He smiled at you one last time before he walked up the stairs to get yours and his' phone and came down with them again. You didn't heard him how he came down again as you tired to get up by your own. He watched as you did without you knowing or noticing. You supports you on the back of the sofa and get to your feet, Harrison's eyes widen but then you lose your balance again and fall back onto the soft cushions. Even if you didn't get it right, Haz is very amazed and proud of you how you try to get back into your 'normal' life.
He walked up to you with a huge smile on his face
"Hey don't look like that, this was amazing. It is a really good start. Now come on
y/n/n" And helped you up as he saw your face with a little disappointment, he cheered you up a little by that and with that you walked over into Tom's apartment.
You straight went to his bedroom, you changed into one of his big t-shirts and lay down under the covers with Haz following you but he had his own blanket. You inhale the sent of Tom in his sheets and shirt and tears bild in your eyes at the thought of him again.
You had turned away from Harrison and assumed he was already sleeping as it had been a while since you were in bed. So you grabbed your phone and dial your Tommy's number and hold the phone against your ear with all the strength you had.
But unfortunately only the mailbox answered again, you actually knew that it would happen but you still hoped that he might answer it but it wasn't like that.
"Hey Tommy, today is the first day I've been clean. It is quiet hard and exhausting...but it went pretty well, even though I throw up a few Times and got some breakdowns because I couldn't do a thing. I love you and....I miss you..a lot." You said on his Mailbox with a whispered voice.
To your suprise Harrison didn't slept yet, he was just quiet and heard all the thing you said to his bestfriend. He had to fight the tears again and it is hard but he managed to keep quiet so that you just have this moment for yourself. And after that you both fall asleep.

Tom on the other side also didn't had such a good time today. There was a lot he couldn't do but also thing he could do. But he ended up every hour thinking of you, how you feel, how you are doing. If you miss him just as much as he does. But the most important part for him was that you are okay and safe. He really hoped that Haz is taking good care of you.
He turned his phone of as he got there to be in silence without any interruptions. The workers there are also really carefully and they would be by his side the whole time if he would need help.
The day was coming to an end and Tom was lying in his bed, luckily everyone has a single room there so everyone has a little more privacy.
He thought about you again and some tears left his eyes which dropped on the pillow a few seconds later. He needs to know how you feel, if you are okay. So he turned his phone on and saw some from your missed calls.
He saw that you left something on his mailbox and started playing it while he puts his phone to his ear to hear your voice better, as if you were with him
"Tom you better awnser your phone right now..." he heard you panic voice with a sniff following, it broke his heart to hear your voice like this. He wanted to put his phone away from his ear again but there was a bleeb and he heard your voice again he expected to hear this broke voice of yours again but it sounds different than by the other one, it's still sad and broke but with more sureness in it
"Hey Tommy, today is the first day I've been clean. It is quiet hard and exhausting...but it went pretty well, even though I throw up a few Times and got some breakdowns because I couldn't do a thing. I love you and....I miss you..a lot."
He heard your little delicate voice again but quieter as the first note you left him. And in the end he heard your voice breake a little and he squeezed his eyes shut along with his lips to suppress the tears but it didn't really work, one tear left his eye again and he breathed in harsh. He  listened to your message over and over again but eventually fell asleep with your voice in his ear.

Okay here is the next part. I hope you like it and enjoyed reading and we just were on 9th place in #holland so thank you all for that. :))

Sex Addicted [completely]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora