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Every person has a soulmate in this world, and when you finally meet them with the slightest touch, a ring appears on your right hand on your ring finger. Most of them get a simple ring, others have a diamond on top, but most importantly, each one is beautiful and unique, matching according to both you and your soulmate.

Wooyoung heard about the story of how his mother and father met a lot of times, and how they were too lost looking at each other's eyes that they didn't notice the soulmate ring appearing on their finger not until they both shook their hands. He grew up with the same kind of fantasy and hoped for the same thing to happen to him. He wanted that kind of love where you'd immediately know that person is the one meant for you.

But 20 years after and still no ring in sight, Wooyoung was slowly losing hope and just went with the flow of life.

Wooyoung woke up to a loud noise coming from his phone. He furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to reach for it, and furrowed them even more when he saw who called. He left it alone until it stopped but before he could close his eyes, his phone rang once more making him jolt up and quickly grab his phone.

"What?!?" Wooyoung furiously shouted to the other line.

"Good morning Woo!! Wake up already, it's 12 noon"

Alarmed, Wooyoung checked the time and found out it was still around 8 in the morning. How could he actually believe it was 12 noon? But more so, how could he believe Mingi?

He rolled his eyes, annoyed and said, "your 12 noon is now 8 in the morning, how funny"

"Aww come on Woo!! Join me and Yunho for today, I swear it'll be fun!!"

"Mingi, you woke me up for that. And I don't wanna thirdwheel for today, I WANT TO SLEEP"

"Noooo, don't sleep!!" Mingi shouted at the end of the line playfully as Wooyoung chuckled.

"Seriously I need to sleep. It's too early for me, and say hi to Yunho for me. Bye good night"

Wooyoung can hear Yunho saying 'hellooo' as he hangs up. He's been hanging out with them for 3 straight days already and as much as he loved their company, he knew he could be a bother to them. Yunho and Mingi were soulmates, they both had a delicate sapphire ring. He knew about their story too and witnessed how their rings appeared. He was the one who introduced both of them to each other thinking that the 3 of them will get along well. Mingi was his childhood friend while Yunho was his closest friend in high school. By the time they accidentally touched one another, a sapphire ring appeared on Mingi's finger. Wooyoung's mouth was wide open as the two didn't even notice yet that he had to point it out to Mingi as Yunho looked at his own. It was beautiful to witness it and see how happy his friends were but it also made him sad knowing his soulmate hasn't arrived yet.

The 3 of them have become inseparable ever since then, well aside from times when Wooyoung has to give them space. They never really asked him to but out of concern for his closest friends, he knew they needed it too. You see, once you meet your soulmate, it's gonna be the two of you for the rest of your lives. Both of you are bound to be together even when there are obstacles along the way. There is no such thing as falling out of love in this world; when your heart knows, it knows.

Wooyoung learned to wait and was hopeful. Everytime he got sad he would remind himself that most people met their soulmates when they started university and not everyone was lucky to meet their soulmate in high school like his best friends did. He wanted to believe that he was going to meet his soulmate soon and they would work hard together towards reaching their goals. He had seen all his life that when you are with your soulmate a lot of problems seem so much easier and solvable. It's like your soulmate isn't just your person but they are your comfort and a feeling of home for you as well where you feel secure and you know things will just work out. It would be a blatant lie if Wooyoung said he didn't crave for the said feeling.

Wooyoung woke up after an hour and checked on his phone the first thing. He received 10 missed calls from Mingi and another 8 from Yunho, always the chaotic pair. There were over more than 100 messages left by the two as well since he set his phone to 'do not disturb' right after that phone call he had. It was mostly selfies from the two and them screaming at him for not going with them. He smiled and laughed at their messages thinking about how lucky he was to have them. He looked at the date on his phone and realised tomorrow is the day he'd have to leave for Seoul.

'So that's why they were up so early and wanted to meet with me asap' He thought and felt guilty for declining their invitation. He quickly messaged them that he's up and asked where they were so he could crash their date. Mingi replied, "finally!! We're at the coffee shop near your place. We'll order an iced americano for you." Wooyoung was indeed lucky to have them.

The coffee shop which was only a block away from his place. It was their go-to place whenever they just wanted some coffee and a place to hang out. They mostly stayed at Wooyoung's for movie nights and all but there wasn't any coffee that was that good at his place. Wooyoung saw the two from the glass window outside the place and tried to get their attention by waving his hands at them, but the two pretended that they didn't notice and continued talking to one another. He pouted and went inside the coffee shop.

"I know you saw me. I hate you both" Wooyoung said as he sat at the vacant seat.

"Why would we acknowledge you omg you were embarrassing yourself outside" Yunho shook his head and gave him his iced americano.

"Exactly" Mingi gave him a sarcastic smile and took a sip from his drink.

"Haters, one day I'll be famous and I will pretend I don't know you two" He narrowed his eyes at them, "but I'll forgive you today for my coffee"

"Simple-minded Woo" Yunho chuckled along with Mingi that earned them both a glare from Wooyoung.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?"

"Hm maybe? I don't know. I actually forgot it's tomorrow" Wooyoung answered, quite unsure himself.

"You're Jung Wooyoung!! I'm sure you'll be able to survive without us"

"Who said I can't survive without you both? Of course I'll slay it, that's already obvious"

Mingi scoffed and Yunho rolled his eyes, both reaching out to playfully swat Wooyoung. The three all burst into laughter as Wooyoung tried to get away from where he was sitting. He'll surely miss the three of them together.

"Hey, visit me once in awhile. I can't believe you both agreed to stay in the same school" Wooyoung pouted at them.

"We're destined to be together Woo and besides, Seoul National University is your dream!!" Mingi exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes!!! We're ready to tell everyone that our Wooyoungie is studying at Seoul National University!! And we'll visit you of course, if you pay for the fare" Yunho smiled at him widely.

"I really hate you two" Wooyoung replied but deep down, he was thankful for them and thought of how empty it would be without them.

"Tell us when you'll arrive and stuff. Do you want us to help you pack?"

"Nah, I'm okay. I'll spam messages tomorrow. I have to buy some new clothes to bring too," Wooyoung smiled at Mingi and got up from his chair, "I gotta go."

"That early?!?" Yunho was about to protest when Mingi interrupted, "okay, take care Woo!!"

Wooyoung smiled at them cheekily and waved goodbye. He needed time to do everything he had to before going to Seoul. And he mostly needed to settle his mind and be ready for what's ahead of him.

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