17 - End

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Yeosan hopped happily towards Yeosang who was busy with choosing what he'll have for breakfast. He placed an arm around his brother and pinched his cheeks. Yeosang looked at him with annoyance and shrugged his arm off.

"Good morning bro" Yeosan exclaimed.

"You have so much energy early in the morning, it's annoying" Yeosang pushed him lightly and stormed off.

"Wait wait I have a favor" Yeosan followed him and held both of Yeosang's hands, "please pretend to be and attend a date with Wooyoung"

"What??!? Are you mad??" Yeosang was bewildered at what his twin said. Was he really serious about what he just said??

"Nope. But please, I'll do anything you want!! It's just I have this very important meeting tonight and I can't bail on Woo at the last minute, he'll be hurt. Do this for me and for Wooyoung, hm?? Please Sangie" Yeosan pleaded.

"Are you sure Wooyoung will be okay with this?" Yeosang sighed.

"That's why do your best to pretend please" The older pouted and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Fine, but if anything goes wrong I'll tell him the truth okay?"

"Yes!!! Thank you Sangie!!" Yeosan hugged him tightly.

To pretend you're not in love is hard enough already but to pretend you're not in love with your brother's soulmate is where matters get worse. The past few weeks had been one of the hardest weeks for Yeosang but he was slowly getting used to the pain, the dull feeling of emptiness. And now when he was sure that he could survive this way, his brother made him do this.

Do what he's been desperate to do but has resisted it like a plague. He wanted to love Wooyoung, to let him know that he was special and made him feel nobody ever had. But to him, no one was more important than his brother. He would do anything for him and so he did again.

Maybe this is the only time he can be himself around Wooyoung for once. Maybe this was the universe's way to treat him for enduring the pain for so long and for the times ahead.

He did not know what was gonna happen on the date but one thing he knew was that he didn't have the best feeling about it.

Yeosang arrived first at the restaurant that they were supposed to meet at. He was wearing according to how Yeosan would, white shirt with a leather jacket over and jeans. While he was waiting for Wooyoung, he rehearsed how Yeosan is. They are complete opposites but it wasn't that hard for him to imitate his twin but it was especially hard with crowds but it was even harder to pretend with Wooyoung. The younger arrived a bit later with a rose in his hand.

"For you" Wooyoung smiled at Yeosang and gave it to him shyly.

Yeosang was a bit caught off guard at the gesture and thought for a second that he bought a rose because it's his favorite flower but he remembered that he was pretending and roses are common flowers that lovers give to one another. He smiled softly at Wooyoung and energetically asked him why he was late.

"I had to do something but haven't I texted you?" Wooyoung chuckled and sat across from him.

"Oh right, I forgot my phone at home so I haven't read it" Yeosang beamed at him. He wasn't exactly as happy as he seemed to be but he was happy that Wooyoung hadn't noticed yet.

"Have you ordered? What do you want to eat?"

"Uh I'll have a Car- oh have you seen the movie cars already? I just remembered my childhood. Anyway, I'll have a Risotto pasta" Yeosang grinned from ear to ear, internally screaming at himself for almost choosing his own favorite, Carbonara, which is Yeosan's least favorite food.

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