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Wooyoung woke up earlier than the others and didn't get any proper sleep last night. Whenever he closed his eyes, he could only remember the moment he had with Yeosang and what his answer could have been. He looked at Yeosang who was wrapped around Yeosan's arms as he passed by and smiled softly with sad longing eyes.

He made himself a cup of coffee and sat outside, feeling the fresh morning air. Hongjoong jumped when he saw Wooyoung quietly sipping his coffee and waited with him for the others to wake up. They still had 2 hours to prepare before their camp alarm rings signalling them to get ready and slowly go to the event area.

"It's a beautiful day isn't it?" Hongjoong said, making a sound of contempt after sipping his coffee.

"Yeah hyung"

"Something on your mind? I don't want to intrude but you look like there's something troubling you"

"Just some stuff, I'll be okay hyung" Wooyoung smiled softly and sighed.

"Okay. I know we haven't hung out that much but if you need someone to talk to, I'm here" Hongjoong beamed.

Wooyoung was thankful that Hongjoong didn't press on the matter but he also thought if he should tell him his troubles and maybe ask for a piece of advice. He knew Hongjoong could be trusted, he felt like a real brother to all of them and he knew that he might know what to do in his situation.

"Ah hyung," Wooyoung took a deep breath and continued, "there's something I want to talk about"

"Hm? I'm all ears"

"Actually hyung, can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can Wooyoung. Everything okay?"

"Yes everything is okay, it's just that i'm not sure about my feelings right now-" Wooyoung sighed.

"What do you mean by not being sure about your feelings?"

"Honestly I don't know? I know that sounds so silly but I think I'm kinda feeling a connection with Yeosang. I know that sounds wild and it can just be a friend thing or maybe I have a small crush on him but it seems to be much more deeper than that you know? I mean I can't be sure because I have never had a crush on anyone but when I see Yeosang I just know that I really love his company and his smile could make my day. Time with him just passes and every moment I can feel myself being happy and full. It's honestly something I've never felt before. When I'm with him I really don't care about anything else but it's just him and when I'm not with him- every moment feels kinda incomplete? I know I probably don't make any sense and what's worse is I feel like he feels the same thing about me but I'm just so so confused hyung-"

"First of all, calm down. Second, have you tried talking to him? or do you think he just feels the same? You are aware right that both of you haven't met your soulmate's yet and I'm not saying that it's impossible to live without meeting your soulmate or you have to be with them; Soulmates are not necessarily romantic, it can be platonic too but, what if you meet your soulmate and you don't feel the same anymore?"

"You're not helping hyung" Wooyoung whined but thought about what Hongjoong said.

"I'm trying to help you Woo, you told me that you're confused but can you answer my question?"

"Well to answer your first question, I haven't directly tried to talk to him about the whole thing but i did ask him that if he can feel what I feel too and when I looked into his eyes, it felt like a yes but I couldn't hear it directly from his lips" Wooyoung's eyes fall down as he hugs himself, bringing his knees close to his chest.

"Also soulmate is a big deal to me hyung. I've waited all my life for the moment I'll meet my soulmate. I was so silly when I was younger that I used to touch people randomly thinking what if they are my soulmate until Yunho and Mingi made me understand that it made me look like some creep" Wooyoung's eyes seemed to tear up but he was smiling.

"I don't even know if Yeosang feels the same way or how I would react once I meet my soulmate who isn't him" continued Wooyoung.

"Woo, what I think is you need time. I know it's hard on you right now and you're confused and I'm sorry I can't be of much help but one thing which I can say is whatever happens you need to accept the reality" Hongjoong looked at his with sadness in his eyes.

"What reality?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about Wooyoung" Hongjoong patted his head and left him to his thoughts.

Hongjong was right. He was right that Wooyoung knew what reality he was talking about and he also knew he needed to accept whatever comes his way, be it Yeosang not feeling the same way he does or them meeting their soulmates who aren't each other and then he has to make a choice or the other thousands of possibilities which "reality" could mean. Wooyoung felt lighter but his thoughts were still a bit heavy. Whatever the reality was he knew he needed to get his mind off this thing and he could only do it by concentrating on the tasks at camp today.

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