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Yeosang fiddled with his jacket once more and looked at his reflection in the mirror. He looked great, actually a bit awful after unconsciously crying himself to sleep but he looked somehow okay even when his eyes were puffy. He can just make up an excuse of staying up watching youtube or something. He sighed, he had to do well in hiding his emotions once again. He grabbed his laptop and phone then texted Wooyoung that he was on his way to the cafe.

As he expected, Wooyoung was already at the cafe. He looked adorable in his red hoodie with the sleeves a bit longer that his hands were covered as he quickly typed on his phone with his laptop in front of him. Just as Yeosang pushed the door open, he received the notification that Wooyoung texted him during that moment and not his brother who he thought. Kind of silly but that made him smile a bit and turned his whole mood around.

"Hey" Yeosang approached him calmly and sat across him, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh! Hi Sangie!! You didn't reply so I thought you were on the bus" Wooyoung's bubbly self as always shouldn't make him sad but it did.

"How are you by the way? I hope Yeo finding his soulmate didn't change your other half relationship because you know you are twins" He laughed loudly at his own joke as Yeosang stayed silent.

"I'm good and we're good. I'm really happy for the both of you. And what are we working on?" Yeosang changed the subject immediately and eventually got up to buy a drink. He didn't want Wooyoung to find out what he was feeling and he was already guilty about his mixed emotions. He could see how Wooyoung shifted in his seat when he came back with his drink.

"Oh um we have to look for some articles and research about the history of uh arts" Wooyoung replied awkwardly.

"Okay, I think we can do that by ourselves next time and just compile it? Or would you rather keep on meeting up?" Yeosang didn't want to say that but he thought it might be the only solution to distance himself.

"I'd rather meet up actually, I'm a bit slow when it comes to putting things together if it's all just communicated through chats. If that's okay?" For the first time, Wooyoung sounded hesitant to Yeosang. He looked up and met Wooyoung's eyes, and he could see them full of questions. He looked like a puppy that wanted to say something more but couldn't speak it out.

"Alright, we can do that" Yeosan replied and looked away.

"Thank you and should we start?" Wooyoung tried to smile brightly but Yeosang could see how it was far from his eyes.


Yeosang didn't want any of this and he hated what Wooyoung probably thought he did something wrong to him but he was also too scared to blurt out words that may reveal himself. He couldn't risk it, he'd ruin the happiness of the most important people to him.

They worked silently all throughout with Wooyoung occasionally hesitantly asking him questions. The atmosphere was suffocating and each second of it that passed made Yeosang want to cry his heart out, and tell Wooyoung about everything and anything. But he couldn't.

"I found another article. I think this one is a good source and-" Wooyoung was interrupted by his phone ringing, "oh it's Yeosan, sorry let me take this call" Yeosang only nodded and continued on what he was doing.

"Hey Yeoyeo" Wooyoung said with a wide smile on his face, "what? You're here?" He got up and looked around. That made Yeosang lift his head up and look for his twin.

"Hi Woo!! Hey bro" Yeosan was all happy and jumpy. A big smile plastered on his face as he looked at Wooyoung.

"I didn't know you were coming. Are we going somewhere?" Yeosang said, surprised to see his brother.

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