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Yeosang avoided Wooyoung as much as he could during their classes together. Luckily, Wooyoung gets visited and dragged by Yeosan whenever he can, which makes their interaction just 1 or 2 times for the day. He didn't mind at all or just tried not to mind when they were mostly together before and he needed to adjust to being mostly alone again this time. When their class ended for the day, it was the only time Yeosang approached Wooyoung.

"Hey, don't forget to work on our project tonight. I finished 2 articles already but I don't think you've checked any and I haven't seen you place some in the document?"

"Sorry Sang, I'll work on it tonight" Wooyoung sighed. Yeosang got worried that he might have been too harsh on Wooyoung but he shrugged it off and thought that he was only doing the right thing and it was a group project after all.

"Okay, thanks," Yeosang said and left, not even glancing at Wooyoung.

When Wooyoung got home, the first thing he did was to talk to Mingi and Yunho. So much had happened in the past few days and he didn't even know how to bring it up in front of his friends.

"Hi Woo!!! We missed you a lot!!!" Mingi's loud voice almost made him think he was just beside him.

"So you still remember us," Yunho said sarcastically and adjusted the camera to fit both Mingi and him.

"Have you forgotten about us after meeting your soulmate?" Mingi pouted.

"How did you know???" Wooyoung said, surprised. He was really tired from today but that jolted him awake. He doesn't remember telling them about it.

"WHAT??" Yunho and Mingi shouted at the same time, clearly as surprised as Wooyoung was.

"I was actually kidding but did you for real find your soulmate??"

"Well- I did. It was really unexpected and it was one of the twins that I told you about. I still can't believe it until now. It feels kind of surreal. The ring is beautiful and simple that I like too, look" Wooyoung placed his hand over the camera to let them see his soulmate ring.

"We're happy for you Woo!! And the ring looks so beautiful" Mingi was in awe. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at Wooyoung's ring from the screen.

"You don't seem happy though" Yunho said bluntly. Wooyoung didn't expect that Yunho would say that but as always, Yunho was sharp.

"I'm just tired, that's all" Wooyoung tried to hide what he really felt by smiling at them but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Don't lie to us Woo" Mingi's sparkling eyes turned into worry for Wooyoung.

"Well the thing is that even I don't know how I'm feeling you know? It's like I'm supposed to be happy that I finally met my soulmate whom I've been waiting for as long as I could remember but I'm not as happy as I thought I'd be? I mean Yeosan isn't bad at all. To be honest, he's one of the kindest and most fun person I've ever met and we are so similar and anyone would be the luckiest to have him as their soulmate but I don't get butterflies when I see him smile or think about his opinion whenever I'm trying something new or find reasons to spend more time with him. And in any other situation that would still be okay because we were just friends for this long. But it's not okay now because I get all those feelings from Yeosang and no matter how much I try to ignore it - I-I just can't. I know it's unfair on Yeosan's part and I'm really trying guys trust me I am but I don't know what to do.. I don't know how to feel" Wooyoung can feel his heart break as he told his closest friends about his situation. He tried hard to stay still and act like it was nothing but it was getting too much for him.

"Aww Woo it's okay, you've been holding on for awhile now" Mingi tried to comfort him. If he was right next to him, Wooyoung would've had a tight hug from him then.

"You've been doing great Woo but I think you should express what you're feeling to Yeosan. If you don't want to talk about your feelings about his twin for now, just tell him that you're not ready for the next level in your relationship yet. I think that would be fair for him" Wooyoung could feel the seriousness in Yunho's voice which is opposite to how he looked at him. Despite the conversation being talked about on a call, their worried feelings for Wooyoung still came across to him and their comfort eased him a lot.

"Okay. Thank you guys, I do wish you were here. As cheesy and disgusting as it sounds, I need you both" Wooyoung smiled at them that finally reached his eyes which made the two beam at him.

"We'll visit sometime soon" Yunho smiled at him and placed his arm around Mingi.

"Yup!! Take some rest Woo!! We're one call away if you need us okay?" Mingi dramatically said as he occupied the screen once again.

"I know, thank you. Good night idiots" Wooyoung chuckled and waved at the camera.

It was an emotional moment when they bid goodbye but he knew that they were his family whom he missed all this while. He had mixed feelings about this whole soulmate thing and his friends understood that and that was all that mattered to Wooyoung.

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