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Wooyoung and Yeosang were at their usual seats in the campus café and Yeosang noticed how Wooyoung looked like shit. He could barely keep his eyes open but he was still trying to work for the project with Yeosang. Yeosang had understood that ignoring Wooyoung was something he wasn't the best at and had given up on it. It still hurt him a lot but maybe he could do this for the two most important people in his life.

"Are you okay? You look like shit Wooyoung" Yeosang asked concerned

"I honestly feel like shit too," Wooyoung replied, avoiding eye contact. He kept rubbing his eyes since morning and Yeosang could only see it turn more red.

"What were you even doing last night?"

"Oh I just thought how you've been doing everything for this project and I haven't been of much help so last night I thought I'll do something for you and keep things ahead and then when I was about to work on it Yeosan called me -"

"And you sacrificed your sleep over him." Yeosang didn't know if he was more jealous that Wooyoung stayed up at night for him (he did for Yeosang too but of course he wasn't planning to acknowledge that) or get angry at his brother for being so irresponsible and calling someone so late at night but then he realised how they were technically a thing and that should be normal between couples but it still didn't make him feel much better.

"Just wait here. I'll be back" Yeosang said, getting up.

"Where are you going? I'm almost done. We can go together" Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Just wait here Wooyoung" Yeosang said sternly and left.

Moments later he came back with one americano, a chicken sandwich, and a cup of caramel macchiato for himself.

"Stop working and have this" Yeosang shut Wooyoung's laptop and placed the tray in front of him.

"Only one page was left Yeosang-"

"I don't care, you are finishing this first" Yeosang pushed the tray towards him and took his caramel macchiato.

"But I know the assignment is important for you"

"No stupid assignment is more important than you Wooyoung" Yeosang said frustrated.

Yeosang had said it as if he meant it and of course he did but Wooyoung could not have known it, right? But why did it feel like he did - he did because the way he looked at him and smiled made Yeosang feel small as if he knew and he had revealed a lot through that one statement which he had been hiding for the longest time.

"I mean your health is more important because if you're not then you wouldn't be able to complete or help me with the assignment and then I would have to do everything and I don't want that -"

"Why are you trying to be someone you're not Yeosang?" Wooyoung asked in a serious tone.

"What do you mean?"

"You know better what I mean Yeosang"

"I'm not trying to be anything"

Wooyoung smiled sarcastically and to others it may seem like a smile but Yeosang could see the amount of hurt his eyes held in that very moment.

"Nevermind. Thanks for the coffee and sandwich by the way" Wooyoung said, biting his sandwich.

They don't talk much after it except for one or two things related to work. Yeosang wanted Wooyoung to be his normal self but he knew that after that day, he may never get his Wooyoung back.

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