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"So how was your first day at dream college huh?" Yunho asked from the screen. Yunho and Mingi together were having a video call with Wooyoung after his tiring day.

"Is it really big? How are the people there? Did you already make any friend?" Mingi continued.

"I know you guys are even more excited than me but how about I answer one question at a time?"

"We can work with that" They answered in unison.

"You both are such drama queens but anyways back to me answering your questions.

My first day was good I think. Also yes, the college is huge and it keeps reminding me of my dream and how bad I've always wanted to be here. The people here are nice as well and I think I made a few friends, I mean I'm not sure if they think the same"

"Omg, tell us about them," Mingi said excitedly, taking up the entire screen with his face.

"They better not replace us" Yunho grabbed the phone from Mingi and showed the two of them.

"Shh... Nobody is replacing you guys, even when it's probably a good offer" Wooyoung laughed as the two told him their frustrations at the same time.

"Anyway, so I met Hongjoong hyung, he's really handsome and seems very matured and kind. Next I met San who mostly helped me all through my day. He is like you guys, always somehow bringing his soulmate up in every conversation. It's kinda cute how whipped he is for Jongho-- yeah that's the name of his soulmate. It's like I haven't even met him yet but I already know everything about him. And I met with two twins please and they look exactly the same!!"

"You're kidding," Mingi said dumbfoundedly.

"No I'm not Mingi"

"Don't tell me they are whole opposites of each other like all those kdramas. That would be epic" Yunho snickered.

"Well -"

"Brooo for real??"

"Yeah for real. Their names are Yeosan and Yeosang. Yeosan is really famous around the campus and is super flirty to be honest. He started flirting with me the moment he met me" Wooyoung found it funny now after knowing them a bit.

"Hmm my friend is finally getting some fine ass?" Mingi raised an eyebrow.

"It's nothing like that but he's really popular and good looking and seems hella fun. He's always chill, you know? Kinda makes me wanna be like him"

"You sound so fond already"

"ANYWAYS, no. Coming back to Yeosang, he's so pretty like sooo pretty and his dressing style is soft unlike his brother Yeosan who's into the more biker kinda look? When I saw him for the first time I was like my jaw dropped dude. Like any typical drama you'll think he's the shy introvert kinda guy. Not in a bad way though, but more like you wanna protect him kinda way but even though he is quieter in comparison to Yeosan he's literally the funniest guy I've ever met. He pranked me the moment we met. Can you believe that? And I so fell for it because he's such a great actor. He told me he's the lead of the drama club and no cap because damn he actually looked so sad and lonely but then he was laughing at me and he's got the most beautiful laugh I'm telling you guys-"

"Wooyoung" Yunho said his name.

"Yes?? What?" Wooyoung didn't notice that he was rambling on and on about Yeosang and just noticed the creepy smile on their face.

"Did you fall in love at first sight or what with this guy? I've never seen you talk about someone like this" Mingi joked with him with a teasing smile on his face.

"No guys it's nothing like that I promise. Also you know I'm more into Yeosan kinda guys than Yeosang"

"So you agree you have a crush on Yeosan huh" Mingi smirked and Yunho was already laughing so hard. They were clearly having fun teasing him.

"SOMEONE REMIND ME WHY AM I FRIENDS WITH YOU GUYS AGAIN" Wooyoung screamed frustratingly at the two.

"Because we are amazing duh" Yunho rolled his eyes at him as if it wasn't obvious.

"And you love us," Mingi added, sticking his tongue out.

"Do I though?"

"WOOYOUNG!!!" Mingi and Yunho shouted together.

"Okay okay yes you both are the most amazing friends ever and I love you guys so much. I miss you both already" Wooyoung pouted and was being jokingly sappy to them. But he meant everything he said.

"Awww we miss you too but were glad you're finally making new friends there but dare they hurt you then it's on sight"

"Yes yes they should be scared of you giant babies"

"Right. Oh it's already past 1, we should all head to bed" Mingi tried to show him the time and placed his phone in front of the camera.

"I have a clock here too Mingi, but yeah we should head to bed. Good night you two!!"

"Good night Woo!!! We'll visit soon!!"

Wooyoung waved at the screen as it turned black. Their call ended and he felt kind of sad again that they weren't with him in the same city but he was happy. He went to sleep happy that night and excited for his new journey with the people around him. Maybe college wasn't so bad after all.

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