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Everyone woke up an hour after and the quiet cottage house turned into chaos once again. They were all busy getting ready themselves on winning the event today because the student council guaranteed that the prize was huge. They didn't know what it was yet but that got everyone even more hyped up. Their energy was so high that Wooyoung's worries flew away and he got excited along with them.

"Good morning Woo!! Let's win this thing!!" Yeosan shouts in front of Wooyoung, excitedly jumping up and down that made everyone laugh and shake their heads.

"He's too enthusiastic," San shakes his head, "Let's get that prize!!!" he shouts with the same energy as Yeosan and they both run around the cottage, screaming their heart out.

Wooyoung laughed at their antics and looked at the person beside him. He didn't notice it was Yeosang with how awfully silent he was. Yeosang looked so beautiful even in the morning light with a wet damp hair that made him look hot. Wooyoung swallowed thickly and looked away, remembering what Hongjoong said to him and to do what's best for the both of them.

"Everyone, we gotta go!! Yeosan and San, please save that energy for later" Hongjoong heaves a deep sigh, and they all head out to the event open area.

The beautiful morning sun was almost completely up giving them the energy they needed for the event. All of the groups are wearing their assigned color shirt and everyone was getting ready, the passion to win burning in their eyes. Wooyoung stayed away from Yeosang as much as possible but he pretended to be more lively than he was yesterday. He glanced at Yeosang a few times, wishing for a reaction but all he got was Yeosang turning his eyes away from him even if they made eye contact a few times. Wooyoung felt that he really did fuck up and being distant was the right thing to do.

"Another great morning to each and everyone!! We know you're all in high spirits for the event that we prepared for today. We'll keep the prize a secret until then but we're sure that everyone would want this. The last event with the grand prize is hide and seek!! Yes, we know you have a lot of questions but listen to the mechanics of the game first. There will be two members in your team in blindfolds. The 2 people in blindfolds have to look for the other members and once they catch one, they have to guess who they are. The other members without the blindfolds have to keep their mouth shut. Once they catch you and they are correct, they'll have to bring the person in front. Don't worry there are student council members around the area that will help. If they guess wrong, the person that got caught has to run once again. Do you get it?"

The crowd shouts a loud "yes" in unison heavily hyped up for the event and quickly scrambles towards their teammates, planning on their strategy. The blue team makes a circle among themselves and decides on who should be the catcher.

"Who should be our catcher?" Wooyoung asked with seriousness in his tone.

"I think it should be Hongjoong?" San suggested.

"No no I don't wanna go running looking for all of you like I always do" Hongjoong heaved a sigh and grinned.

"How about Wooyoung?" Yeosan said, crossing his arms.

"Idiot, Woo doesn't know about us that much" Jongho shook his head and placed an arm around him.

"How about the twins? I think they both know much about all of us" Seonghwa spoke up, looking at the twins.

"I think that would work. Are you both okay with that?" Hongjoong asked the two.

"I don't mind" Yeosang said coolly and took the blindfold from Hongjoong.

"Yes!!!!!!!!" Yeosan exclaimed and tied the blindfold around his eyes even when it wasn't starting yet.

"Don't fail us power twins," San patted the shoulder of the two brothers and whispered good luck to each of them that made them shudder and push San at the same time, earning a laugh from the others.

"Is everyone finally ready?? Wear the blindfolds now and we'll bring you to the middle. The trick is to stay in the same circle with your group around it and not fly off to another team. May the best team win!! Good luck!! Ready, set, and start!!"

Wooyoung sprints to the far end while laughing out loud enjoying the breeze of the wind in his face. He stopped and looked at where the twins were. Yeosan was fast walking towards another group with his arms outstretched in front of him that made all of the others laugh so hard, choosing Yeosan was probably a wrong decision. Yeosang on the other hand was already close to catching San who was still laughing at Yeosan.

After almost 15 minutes, Yeosang already caught San and Hongjoong while Yeosan was still lost among the other teams. Wooyoung didn't dare move anymore since they were probably the leading group and they were close to winning the event, Yeosang should be able to catch him anytime soon.

Yeosan finally caught someone and excitedly held onto the person then tried to guess who they were until the person protested and also tried to guess who Yeosan was.

"I should be the one to guess who you are, and what are you doing?" Yeosan asked the person who was also confused about the situation.

"Huh? What? I'm also a catcher. I can't see you" The person said, chuckling.

"We're both catchers you idiot!! I gotta find my team" Yeosan left the scene as if nothing happened and ran straight to where his feet lead to.

10 minutes later, Yeosang had caught Jongho and Seonghwa bringing them to the front where San and Hongjoong were. Wooyoung was the only one left that hadn't been caught and Yeosan was unexpectedly back from his trip of getting lost. Apparently, he ran straight to where his team was, luck is definitely on his side.

Yeosang was back from sending the 2 off in front and was looking for Wooyoung. He was too good at this game really. Yeosan was also looking for his team, not knowing that only one was left. Wooyoung saw Yeosan finally get near to him that he moved as slow as possible so he could catch him and when he was finally grabbed by Yeosan, Yeosang also grabbed him on the other side. Yeosang took off his blindfold and squinted his eyes that were still adjusting to the bright light while Yeosan was still guessing who he grabbed until his twin told him that the game was over. Wooyoung was laughing until he felt something cold on his ring finger, the soulmate ring.

Before he could react, Yeosan screamed out loud, "I finally found my soulmate!!!!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Yeosan and Wooyoung lifting their hands with the same ring. Wooyoung got overwhelmed that he didn't know what to do but just looked at the ring and then back to Yeosan until he saw Yeosang looking at him. He couldn't tell exactly what Yeosang was feeling, his reaction was blank like he was confused too. Wooyoung looked back at Yeosan who was full of smiles, coming up to him with their team.

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