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Wooyoung sat by his window with dim lights on, a cup of coffee in his hand and his eyes staring at the moon. He kept thinking how different it used to be a few months back and what he has become now. Everything changed as if those which were before never existed.

Everytime Wooyoung is with Yeosang he searches for himself in Yeosang's eyes because in his; Yeosang is there in such a way that there aren't even places for dream's anymore. It's as if Yeosang has become a lucid dream of his.

The moon looked lonely. It feels like it's crying in the bright night sky. Even though he knew it was going to be morning soon, he wanted to stay like this for a little while more-maybe everyday, every moment if he could.

Wooyoung felt the same as the moon who felt lonely without a soulmate but it was good enough to not have a soulmate because he could stay like stars in Yeosang's night sky. But now when it all just felt like a distant memory, he wishes to have cherished it more if only he knew it was gonna be this way.

He just wants to look into Yeosang's eyes and say that he misses him. Maybe also say it out loud that his heart is dumb because the heart itself can't measure the amount of love and feelings he has for him.

And all of this should be okay because Wooyoung is allowed to love, to feel, to hurt but it is not because he has a soulmate. His soulmate, who is one of his best friends and not only that, he's also Yeosang's brother. Yeosan doesn't deserve someone like Wooyoung who can't love him the way he deserves. He can't look at him the way he looks at Yeosang, can't do anything because everytime he thinks of taking a new step into their new found relationship, all he can think of is just Yeosang.

And Wooyoung is anything but a bad guy. He was ready to live without his love but not in the guilt that he couldn't love his soulmate the way he deserved.

He had decided he was gonna talk to Yeosan about his true feelings because no matter how much he tried he couldn't make himself fall for him and Yeosan should be with someone who loves him and not his twin. The twin who probably already has a soulmate but they have distanced so much that Yeosang doesn't even feel close enough to share about it with him.

Wooyoung can still distinctly remember seeing a ring on Yeosang's finger when they all gathered at their usual lunch table just a week after Wooyoung had his. He wasn't entirely sure if it was a ring but the sun lightly shone on it which made it glisten under the warm light that made Wooyoung squint his eyes and look closely as much as he could. He just stared at it for a long while and then to Yeosang who was smiling softly at everyone talking at the same time. He did the same thing again and again, looking at the ring then back to Yeosang. They both made eye contact at some point for a bit then Wooyoung looked back at the ring again but this time, Yeosang quickly hid his hand under the table and acted as if nothing happened. Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows and tried to think if it was there before but the only logical explanation he came up with was that Yeosang probably already found his soulmate but didn't tell all of them yet.

He placed his coffee on the table and grabbed his phone quickly typing away, "I need to talk to you" to Yeosan and in just a few minutes received a reply that said, "I need to talk to you too. Tomorrow at the campus ramen shop, 10am before our classes." Wooyoung took a deep breath and pondered for a while on what Yeosan would want to tell him but he was more worried on how to tell his soulmate everything, especially his feelings.

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