Chapter 2. Fun and exciting day

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Thomas pov:
She is so beautifull. Thought Thomas, when Zoe entered the house. Is anybody hungry?

Victoria: I am.
Ethan: Me too.

Damiano: Zoe, are you hungry?

Zoe: Yeah.

Ethan: So what should we eat?

Victoria: How about pizza?
T/E/D: Yes

Zoe: Sure.

Ethan: I will order it.

Damiano: While we wait, shall we go swimming in the pool?

/Vic/Thomas: Sure.

Zoe: Vic, can I talk to you in your bedroom?

Vic: Yes, let's go.

Zoe: I can't go swimming.

Vic: Is it because of the bikini? I can give it to you one of the mines.

Zoe: No, that's not it. It's because of my scar, if I will wear a bikini, everyone will notice it.

Vic: Well, I might have a solution. Go and put this nice bikini on. Then I will work my magic.

Zoe's pov:
You went to Vic's bathroom and changed it to a bikini. You stared at a mirror terrified while looking at your scar and remembering that horrible night.

*After some time*

Vic knocked at a bathroom door and you came back to reality.

Vic: Sis, is everything okay?

Zoe: Yeah. So, let's get back to work. You said coming out of the bathroom with tears in your eyes.

Vic: You remembered that night didn't you? Said Vic while putting some makeup on your scar.

Zoe: Yeah. You said it and started to cry.

*Meanwhile at the pool.*

Thomas: Guys, I think I heard someone crying.

Damiano: I'm going to check it.

*At Vic's bedroom*

Vic: Look, Zoe, Peter will be in jail for a long time, you are safe, also we all are going to protect you.

Damiano came in and hugged you from behind.

Damiano: Zoe, are you okay? What happend?

Zoe: Yes, everything is alright.

Damiano came closer to you and wiped your tears with his fingers.

Damiano: Look, I see, that you are not okay. You can tell me.

Zoe: Thanks for your concern, but I rather not talk about it right now. Please.

Damiano: I understand that, but don't forget, you can always talk to me. I will always be there for you.
He kissed your forehead and held your hand.

Damiano: Let's go others.

Ethan: Zoe!! Come to the pool!

Zoe: Maybe later, now I want to sunbathe.

*After a while, you fell asleep on a sunbath bed.

Damiano pov:

Damiano noticed. She's so adorable. I'll carry her to my bedroom.

Zoe's pov:

You felt strong hands picking you up and carrying you upstairs.

Damiano pov:

He placed you on his bed, put a blanket on you, and layed down on the other side of the bed, playing with your hair.

She is so cute when she's asleep.

*After a few hours*

Zoe's pov:
You suddenly woke up screaming and shaking.

Zoe: NO!!!!!!!! Please stop!! GET OFF ME!!!!!

Damiano: Zoe... amore, it's just a nightmare, I'm right here.

Zoe: Oh, I'm sorry, I probably woke you up.

Damiano: Hey, everything is alright, besides, I wasn't sleeping.

Damiano hugged you tightly and you instantly felt safe and calm.

After a few minutes, you both fell asleep.


I'm sorry for not being active. I had personal problems also school. But the autumn break is coming soon, so I'll try to be more active.
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