Chapter 9 A fight?

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Zoe's pov:
I woke up by Vic screaming at the top of her lungs.


Damiano: Ughh... Why on Earth is Vic screaming? It's 7 am.

Zoe: I have no idea,
I want to sleep.

Damiano: As much as I want to sleep laying next to you, but I think we should get up, because she will notice soon, that we're not ready and get mad again.

Zoe: Yes, you are right. I'll sleep on a plane.

Damiano: You think I'll let you?

Zoe: Yeah, why wouldn't you?

Damiano: Maybe, I will want you really, really bad.

Zoe: Oh... in that case...

Zoe got out off the bed, walked to Damiano and kissed him softly.

Damiano: Aww, what was that for?

Zoe: Cause I missed you and I love you.

Damiano: I love you too.

Zoe: Let's get ready. We need to pack. How long will we be staying in LA?

Damiano: A week or two. I'm not sure. I will ask Vic later.

Zoe: Okay. I'm going to take a shower. You can start packing.

Damiano: Maybe, I want to take a shower with you.

Zoe: Ooo. I'm just gonna grab my clothes, I'll be right in.

Zoe went into a shower, her and Damiano started doing it, but suddently they heard someone knocking on the bedroom door.

Zoe: Shit, It's probably Vic. What are we going to do?

Damiano: Babe, relax. Put on the clothes that you brought and go to the room, I will come out a little bit later, so anyone won't suspect something.

Zoe: Wait? Did you just called me, babe? Asked Zoe while dressing up.

Damiano: Yes, you are my babe and I love you with all my heart.

Zoe: I love you too, babe.

Zoe and Damiano kissed and she enterned the bedroom.

Vic was standing in the hall:
Lovebirds, it's time to wake up!!

Zoe opened the door.

Zoe: First of all good morning, sis and second off all stop calling us like that.

Vic: Good morning, why is your hair wet?

*Vic enterned the room.*

Zoe: I took a shower.

Vic: Where is Damiano?

Zoe: He's in the shower right now.

Vic: So why is... ugh nevermind. When Damiano gets out of the shower, tell him, that we're leaving in 30.

Zoe: No problem.

Vic: We have an interview, you can come too. Don't forget we have to be in the airport at 6pm.

Zoe: Great.

Vic: Have you packed your bags?

Zoe: Not yet, when we get back, I will. Also how long will we be staying in LA?

Vic: You must, we will be in LA for 1 week, why?

Zoe: Okay, nothing just curious.

Vic: Great, go get ready.

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