Chapter 22. I don't want to lose you.

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Damiano's pov. 

After the police took Peter, I called an ambulance for Zoe. I tried to do everything I can to keep her conscious, but unfortunately, I failed. When I arrived at the hospital, I wasn't myself all I could think about is her and our baby. I wanted to see her, be with her, but sadly a nurse told me to wait in the waiting room. Before I lost myself completely, I called Vic and others. They arrived pretty quickly, their faces were all red of all the crying, I understand them,  they don't want to lose her as much as I do, but we can't lose ourselves right now, Zoe needs us to be strong for her. Thousands of thoughts are rushing down my head and I can't control them, but I'm trying to remember every good moment and our journey together it helps me a little to calm down, but still, the worst scenario is not leaving my mind as much as I try to ignore it. Ethan, Thomas, and Vic are trying to cheer me up, I appreciate their effort. 

Thomas: I'm going to the cafeteria to get some coffee, do you guys want something? 

Ethan: Water, please. 

Vic: A cup of coffee, please. 

Thomas: Damiano, do you want something? 


Vic: Hey, you have to eat or drink something. 

Thanks for your concern, but I don't want to. 

Thomas: Okay, if you say so. 

But what if she doesn't make it? What if... 

Vic: Stop saying this!!!! She will make it, she's stronger than any of us. 

I can't imagine my life without her, I'll lose myself. 

Ethan: You won't lose her, you will see her soon. 

Vic: Guys, look! Her doctor is coming!!!

Doctor: Good afternoon. Are you here for Zoe de Angelis? 

Yes, I said quickly while wiping my tears. 

Doctor: I hate it to break this to you, but Zoe is in a coma right now. A bullet has damaged a few of her's internal organs and we don't know when she will wake up. I'm so sorry. 

But how's the baby? Did she lose it? I asked with a shaky voice. 

Doctor: The baby is fine, but time will tell how everything will go. Of course, there is a possibility of losing it, but also a baby can be saved. 

Vic: But can we see her? Victoria asked trying to hold back her tears, but it was impossible. 

Doctor: Yes, but just one or two people. You can talk to her, she may not answer, but she will hear you. Zoe is in room 345.

Ethan: Thank you, doctor. She turned around and left us more emotionally damaged than we were before.  VIC, I TOLD YOU THAT SHE'S NOT GOING TO MAKE IT AND NOW DOCTOR PROVED MY POINT!!!! SHE'S IN A COMA RIGHT NOW AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THAT MOTHERFUCKER PETER!!!!!! I WANNA KILL HIM WITH MY OWN HANDS!!!!!!!

Vic: Damiano, calm down!! Zoe will wake up and Peter is now in jail. 


Ethan: Vic is right, you have to calm down, here is not the right place for you to yell. I get it, it's hard for you right now, but try to see the positive things and remember that she loves you and she will fight to see you again. Your baby is okay, he can help Zoe. 

Thanks, Ethan, but there is no positive side to this. I love her with everything I have and I don't want to lose her. I'm going to see her. I stood up from the ground and went to the elevator, pushed the number 3, and after one minute I was on the third floor. Now I have to find her room, if I remember correctly, the doctor mentioned room 345. After a long time of searching, I finally found it. I opened the door and entered her room wow, she looks so weak I thought to myself. I wish I could be the one who's laying in the hospital bed not her, she did nothing wrong. I sat on a chair next to her bed, took her hand in mine, and started crying, I couldn't hold it in anymore. She's so important to me and seeing her lying in this bed unconscious just breaks my heart. I wish I could take all her pain away. I know that she can't answer me, but I told her all about what our wedding will look like, I imagined her walking down an aisle wearing a beautifull white dress with a flower bouquet in her hands. When it will be time for rings, Coco and Harlow would bring them to us while running down an aisle. In the evening we would sit down on the sand, cuddle and watch a sunset. It all looks so beautifull and it will happen just please wake up. I can't lose you, Zoe, not now not ever, please don't leave me. I squeezed her hand and started crying again. After some time nurse came into the room to check on Zoe and give her medication.

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