Chapter 10 It's no secret anymore?

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Zoe: So here we are.

Vic: Let's go to check our tickets.

Everyone checked their tickets and got into a plane. In the first row was sitting Damiano and Zoe,
in the second Thomas, Vic, Ethan.

Zoe's pov:
When we got in the plane, I got a little scared, because I am not a big fan of planes, but everything will be alright. I didn't want to tell them, that I'm scared, because If I do they will tell me to stay in Rome, but I really want to go with them to LA. I started thinking about positive things and it helped me to calm down.

Damiano: Is everything alright? You seem off.

Zoe: Yeah, everything is great, just a little tired.

Damiano: I'm sorry for not letting you sleep, but I don't regret it, it was the best night in my life.

Zoe: It was worth it, it was the best for me too.

Damiano wispered to Zoe:
I love you.

Zoe wispered back to Damiano:
I love you too.

Most of the flight everyone fell asleep.

Zoe fell asleep while resting her head on Damiano's shoulder.

Damiano's pov:
She is the cutest, I love her with all my heart. Zoe is like a drug, once you try it, you can't stop. I want to be with her every second of the day. I'm really happy, that she's coming with us to LA, I have no idea, how I could be apart from her for the whole week, probably I would lose my mind.
When Zoe was sick, me and others wrote a new song, we will play it in the concert, I hope she will like it, it's called 'Close to the top'. It's our newest single and my favourite at the moment.
I know that others are thinking, me and Zoe are together, they are not wrong, I hate lying to my best friends. I want to tell them the truth, I really do, but we promised to not tell anyone, which is killing me. When we arrive at the hotel, I will talk with Zoe about this.

Pilot: Ladies and gentelman, it's your pilot speaking, we will be landing soon.

When I heard pilot saying, that we are almost in LA, I decided to wake Zoe up.

Damiano: Baby, wake up, we're landing.

Zoe: Hi, oh look at the view!!

Damiano: Yeah, it's beautifull.

Zoe: So, I slept the whole flight?

Damiano: Yes, pretty much. We talked a little bit in the beggining and then you fell asleep. Did you know, that you are so adorable when you sleep?

Zoe: Aww thank you so much. You are very cute when you sleep too.

Damiano: You've seen me sleeping?

Zoe: Yeah, a couple days ago.

Damiano: Well thank you mi' lady.

Zoe: What if they heard you?

Damiano: Don't worry, they're sleeping.

Zoe: That's great, then.

Damiano: I will wake them up, we are almost in LA.

Damiano: Guys, wake up, we're landing.

Damiano woke Vic, Ethan and Thomas up.

V / E / T: Great.

When the plane landend Måneskin and Zoe got out of the plane and drove to the hotel.

Vic: Guys, wait here, I'm going to check us in.

*A few moments later*

Vic: Here is your keys. Zoe and Damiano will be staying in the same room 402. Me, Thomas and Ethan in 410. Is everyone fine with their rooms?

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