Chapter 4. Hard truth and some feelings

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A quick author's note.
TW: Abuse, conversation about abuse. If you can't handle it just skip the parts where it's mentioned.

Damiano: Oh I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that...

Zoe: Look, everything is okay, but I think I should go home.

Damiano: I'll drive you.

Zoe: Okay.

Damiano's pov:

Me and Zoe sat in my car. All the ride we were quite. I wanted to tell her, that I like her and I'm not sorry for kissing her. I want to kiss her again and never let her go out of my arms. But I know we need to get back to reality, she probably doesn't like me back. Who am I kidding, how could she like me? I'm not perfect like her. She is an angel. She will always be. My thoughts shut off Zoe's voice.

Zoe: This is my house, thank you for driving me and for the necklace. I had a great time with you.
Zoe kissed Damiano's cheek and got out of the car.

Damiano's pov:
I was suprised and also happy when I heard her saying that she had a great time with me. Maybe after all I was wrong? The kiss on cheek was a big suprise to me. I had no idea she would do it.

Zoe's pov:
I had such a great time these past two days. All thanks to Måneskin. I finally met with my bestie that I haven't seen for ages also my sister, who I missed a ton.
It is so weird to come home knowing I'll be alone, although I'm happy and relieved that Peter is in jail (Zoe's ex- abussive boyfriend), but it's still weird. I loved him, but what he did is not acceptable. He hurt me in every way possible, I'll never forgive him. I'm tired, I will take a shower. On your way to the bathroom, you got a notification on your phone.

Ykaaar just followed you.
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Ykaaar commented on your post.

Ykaaar: Such a cutie💘💋Liked by creator

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Ykaaar: Such a cutie💘💋
Liked by creator

Oh, I wasn't expecting this. Should I respond? It will probably be polite... But what should I say? I will think of something.

Zoedeangelis: Thank you, you are very cute yourself.😘

Okay, now I'm going to take a shower.

*After a while at Måneskin house*.

Vic: Guys, don't forget we have a photoshoot tomorrow at 2pm.

Damiano: Okay, thanks for a reminder.

Ethan / Thomas: Great, can Zoe come too?

Damiano said to himself: Please, I want her to come.

Vic: Of course she can. Also I just remembered, we have a concert in LA in two weeks. So we need to get ready. We could drive to the mall tomorrow after the photoshoot to buy costumes, because we always need time to find the perfect ones.

Thomas: Yeah, I agree. Thomas wispered to Victoria: I think Damiano wants to see Zoe again. Have you seen how he reacted, when you said, that she can come to the photoshoot with us?

Vic wispered to Thomas: I noticed, someone has a crush on my little sister. Should we ask him?

Thomas wispered back to Victoria: You know, that he won't tell us. We need to do something...

Vic wispered to Thomas:
Yeah, but now let's go to sleep.

Ethan: Good night, guys. I'm going to sleep.

Thomas: I'm going too.

Damiano: Can you...
Vic: Do you...

Vic: You first.

Damiano: Okay. Can you give me Zoe's number?

Vic: Sure, but why? Do you like her?

Damiano: She is just friend that's it.

Vic: If you say so. Here it's her phone number, but I just want to point out one thing. I know her my whole life, she's been through a lot lately and she's not ready for a relashionship. Maybe later, but not now. If you are planning something to do, don't. I don't want her to get hurt again.

Damiano: Vic, listen, you know me, I will never hurt Zoe or you, or anyone. Did that Peter guy did something to her? I heard you guys talking the other day.

Vic: Yes, I know... Yes, it was Peter Zoe's ex- boyfriend. He was very abussive. He hit her multiple times, with his hands and even with a knife. Now she has a scar on her stomach, because of him. She's been in a hospital a lot and had many surgeries. I feel so sorry for her. After the first time he hit her, I told her to leave him, but she said, that she loves him. It was only one way love, he was always using her: for her body, for her money... Now I feel a little relieved, because he is in jail, but I feel like all this was my fault. I didn't protect her as I had to.

Damiano's pov:
All the things, that Vic just told me shocked me. I don't get it, how can someone do these horrible stuff? I don't think it was Victoria's fault all of this had happend to Zoe, to my angel... I feel so sorry for Zoe, I need to protect her, so the past won't repeat itself.

Vic: Damiano, thank you for listening, but I'm tired, I will go to bed. Good night.

Damiano: You're welcome, I will always be there for you. I will never leave you. Good night!!

Damiano went to his room upstairs and texted Zoe.

Zoe's pov:
I got out of the shower feeling a lot better. I'm not sad anymore, just a little tired. I'll check my phone and then go to sleep. Oh someone texted me.

*The text*

Damiano: Hey, Zoe, it's Damiano. Vic gave me your number.

Zoe: Hey, Damiano.

Damiano: Me and others tomorrow at 2pm. have a photoshoot and thought maybe you would like to come too? After we are planning to drive to the mall for the costumes.

Zoe: Yes, I would love to.

Damiano: Great, I'm very excited, I'll pick you up at 12.30pm. So we could spend some time together.

Zoe: Thanks.

Damiano: Good night, angel.😘

Zoe: Good night, Damiano.🥰

After texting with Damiano I was happy to meet with him again and watch their photoshoot, but now, I should go to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.

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