Plea From Camelot

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Chapter 103: Plea From Camelot


Peace had seemingly set over Storybrooke once again, as the day gave way to twilight. Most of the town slept peacefully, especially now that their Mayor and Queen had been rescued from Isaac's dastardly plot. Even the prison was quiet, but that was mostly because their silence was mandated by the guards and former Knights that policed them. But one lay awake on her cot and she smirked, as she observed the shift change. Opening her palm, she revealed a magic bean. She had no idea where it would take her, but it wasn't here. And wherever she landed, she could begin plotting her revenge. There was a faint green glow, as a portal was opened and she slipped into it. Then it closed behind her as quickly as it had opened.

Camelot - Present Day

King Arthur observed his Kingdom from the highest tower, watching his people carry on with their daily lives. The Kingdom was peaceful and his people were fairly happy. In fact, they were prospering. There was no plague of disease or famine to threaten them. They looked upon him as their great King. This should have pleased him immensely. But it didn't, because it was all a lie; a farce. An illusion that he had created. The sands of Avalon hid this broken Kingdom behind a thin veil of deception. And it would never be set right so long as Excalibur remained broken itself.

His entire life culminated to that moment he extracted the sword Excalibur from the stone. So to find the weapon incomplete had dealt a serious to his sense of importance and purpose. Merlin was no help. The Sorcerer that foretold his greatness was stuck in a tree and so far they had not been able to successfully communicate with him. That began his obsession to make Excalibur whole again. He and a few trusted Knights of the Roundtable had scoured libraries and texts from all corners of the land to find the information they needed.

"Sire...we have returned from Dunbroch," Sir Percival called, as he arrived in the room.

"Then you found the witch," Arthur stated.

"We did and she came back with us," Sir Gawain added, as he dragged the old woman into the room.

"You make it sound voluntary. It should turn you all to bears for this!" she hissed in her thick accent, as she shrugged them off.

"You give me what I need and you'll be free to go, witch," Arthur stated, interrupting her tirade.

"You must be daft. As grand as my magic is, even I can't repair your broken Kingdom, Your Majesty," she goaded.

"You'll watch your tongue, witch," he warned, as he raised Excalibur to her throat.

"Even in this state, a nick from this blade means certain death," Arthur threatened. She smirked.

"How can I help you, oh great King?" she questioned.

"You know how witch!" Gawain growled. But Arthur raised hand to halt his tirade.

"We have found the vault of the Dark One when we followed my traitorous wife and former best friend there, just weeks ago. Inside, we discovered several curious objects that I believe are the key to mending Excalibur. Unfortunately...without Merlin's guidance, they are all but useless," Arthur said, gesturing to the objects on the table.

"Yes...the Promethean flame. A fire that can reforge Excalibur," she said, as she examined the next object, a beautiful locket.

"The necklace belonging to the Lady of the did you acquire this? It has been lost for centuries," she said in awe.

"Not lost...just in possession of her son, Lancelot," Arthur corrected, as the witch examined the final object; a dream catcher, made of golden yarn.

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