An Untold Story, Pt 1

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Chapter 123: An Untold Story, Pt 1

Snow felt all the tension and stress from the ordeal they experienced in New York melt away, as she listened to her husband sing softly to their little ones. Killian had offered them the Captain's quarters to put them to bed and they had graciously accepted.

Summer tried to fight sleep, but her father's soothing voice and comforting presence saw that she was soon fast asleep. Bobby, having been fed, was out like a light too next to her with pillows around him in case he rolled. She loved listening to her husband sing to their children; he had a gorgeous voice and had even been known to serenade her as well. Though that usually led to very amorous activities that they couldn't engage in right now. Still, listening to him like this made all her worries ebb away, even if she knew it was for only a few moments.

He finished the lullaby and she felt the heat of his body leave her. She almost whimpered at the loss, but then saw him sit down in a chair. He took her hand and pulled her to him, then down into his lap.

"We have a lot to figure out if this Mr. Hyde is headed to Storybrooke," she mentioned.

"I know...but that can wait, at least for a few moments. I need to just hold you for a while," he replied. She let the final bit of her worry evaporate and melted into him, as he kissed her tenderly. She sighed into his kiss, still amazed that how after all these years, just his kiss could make everything okay...even if it wasn't. After several long moments, their lips finally parted and they pressed their foreheads together, breathless.

Her eyes fluttered open, as blue met green and the love in his eyes almost stole her breath again. No matter how many times she had seen that look in his eyes, it never failed to leave her in awe.

"I guess we should go ask the Doctor what exactly we can expect with Hyde," she mentioned softly and he instantly noticed her uneasiness.

"You don't have to be around him if he makes you uncomfortable. I can question him," he said.

"I'll go with you...I don't want to ever be in a room alone with him, but as long as you're there, I'll be fine and I'm curious about what he has to say," she replied. He nodded and put his arm around her.

"What do you think the odds are? I mean...two people that look like just like us..." she mentioned.

"Well...supposedly there is an infinite number of realms. There might be thousands of versions of us. Some that look like us, but with different names. Or even some with our names, but look nothing like us," he surmised.

"I guess so..." she agreed, as they came above deck. Everyone seemed to be scattered around different parts of the deck, though they had Clayton locked up down in the brig.

Snow and David found Dr. Jekyll standing at the side, looking out over the waters.

"You know...the stars are very different in this land. It's quite intriguing," he mentioned upon their approach.

"This phenomenon...the magpie bridge. I had only heard about it," Jekyll continued, as he referred to the silvery river in the sky.

"We call it the Milky Way," Snow corrected.

"Ah...a more modern title, I presume. I believe in the world where I am from, the legend goes that two forbidden lovers, Vega and Altair, were separated to the opposite sides of this silver river. It was said that once a year, on the seventh day of the seventh month, Vega cried so much that the magpies flew up to to form a bridge to reunite the lovers for a single night of passion," Jekyll recalled, as he looked to Snow in a longing manner.

"Rose...she used to love that tale," he added.

"We came to ask you about Hyde," David interrupted bluntly, proving as always, he had no tact.

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