Miss Missing You

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Chapter 163: Miss Missing You

Rogers compared the photos of the symbol carved into the victim side by side with that of the drawing of the sketch book that had been in his possession for many years. The disappearance of young Eloise Gardener had been a case that had plagued him since his very early days on the force. He just wished he knew what the symbol meant and why is was suddenly popping up on their victim. No matter why though, he couldn't shake the feeling that the murder was somehow connected to the Eloise Gardener case. He sighed and noticed Tilly talking with Weaver, before leaving the station. He grabbed the sketchbook and followed her out, before calling to her.

"Tilly...is it?" he asked, as she turned to him and nodded curiously.

"I'm Detective Rogers...do you think I can ask you a few questions?" he asked. She shrugged.

"How do you know Weaver?" he asked curiously.

"It's not easy on the streets. I get information for Weaver and then he sees that I eat," she replied. He frowned at that. He didn't like to think of any kid on the streets, though he knew it was very real and serious problem.

"Well, if you answer a couple of questions I have...I can see that lunch is in the deal," he offered. She eyed him with scrutiny for a moment.

"I eat marmalade sandwiches from the deli around the block," she agreed. He smiled and showed her the sketch of the symbol.

"Years ago...there was a girl that went missing by the name of Eloise Gardener. There was speculation that she was a runaway and since you're a street kid, I was wondering if you'd ever heard of someone by that name?" he asked. She shook her head.

"I don't know that name...but I can ask around. I have seen this before though," Tilly replied. Rogers looked at her.

"You've seen this symbol before?" he asked. She nodded.

"I can show you," she replied, as she took his hand and proceeded to lead him off to a destination.

Today was the day. The moment Jacinda's boss left for the day, leaving the restaurant in the hands of his capable employees, Sabine moved in and placed the sign outside the restaurant, offering her beignets. The usual lunch crowd filed in and word of the delicious fare being offered spread quickly through the lunch hour. As Henry arrived that afternoon, he witnessed the booming business they were doing.

"Wow...I don't think I've ever seen it this busy," Henry commented, as he stepped up the counter.

"It's Sabine's famous beignets. Victoria raised our rent, but we're fighting back," Jacinda said. He smiled.

"Good for you...I'll take an order," he said, as he handed over some cash and in return, she handed him a paper bag with the treats inside.

"Thanks...you know, I'm probably going to be at Roni's later. And...I was wondering if you'd like to have a drink?" he stammered. She smiled.

"Uh...yeah I can text you when I get out of here," she agreed. He grinned.

"Great..." he said, as he stepped aside for the next customer, just David and Mary stopped in with Bobby.

"Hey..." Jacinda said, waving to them.

"Hey...we were walking by and saw the crowd. What's going on?" Mary asked.

"We're selling Sabine's famous beignets. Victoria thinks she can raise our rent and force us out...but we're not going to let her win," Jacinda replied. Mary smiled and squeezed her hand.

"Good for you..." Mary said.

"We'll take a few orders," David added, as he floated her some cash and then took Bobby to find a seat out on the patio of the restaurant since it was a nice day.

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