Hope Will Return

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Finding You Always

Chapter 30: Hope Will Return

It wasn't long before Linda was asleep when they got back to their room. He had taken to the quiet streets of the town after seeing Emma leave with her parents in a fairly distinctive old brown truck.

He came up empty in the residential neighborhood and took to the main drag in town, finally finding a brown truck parked on the street outside an apartment building. He remembered the biological father's name was Nolan. He had seen Emma's birth certificate when they had started the adoption process years ago.

With a flashlight, he searched the address boxes on the outside panel. Lucky for him, as he suspected, the outside door was not locked. The residents probably saw no need in a spot of town like this. He found the correct floor and apartment for Nolan. He counted the floors and saw a fire escape that went up the side of the building. His eyes locked on the room with the light on three floors up. It was risky, but if he had to guess, he would say that Emma's room would be up in the loft, while her parents slept on the main floor. Now...he would just wait for the light to go out.

Emma's eyes were heavy and she was slowly losing her battle with sleep, as Snow read to her from her book. David leaned against the door and listening, as he did every night. Watching them together like this truly was one of the highlights of his day. Emma yawned, as Snow finished the story.

"Mommy...do you think I can meet Ariel?" Emma asked, referring to the story Snow had just read.

"I'm not sure if she came to Storybrooke, baby," Snow replied.

"Oh..." Emma replied.

"But maybe someday, our path will cross hers. For now though, it's time for little princesses named Emma to sleep," she said softly, as she kissed her forehead. David leaned down and did the same.

"Goodnight princess," he whispered.

"Night Daddy," she said sleepily and they quietly closed the door.

While waiting, Nathan found a hardware store nearby and had bought a crowbar, duct tape, and some twine. Sure enough, by the time he returned, the light in the room he had pinpointed was out. It was time. With a deep breath, he began climbing the fire escape.

"So...what do you think?" she asked, as she showed him several fliers.

"These are amazing," he said, as he looked at the creative slogans and gorgeous photos of his wife on each one.

"You made these?" he asked in amazement.

"I didn't have to. I was going to make some, but people are already doing it for me. They were in our mail slot. One was made by the staff at Mitchell Herman's law firm, one by the convent, and one by the nurses at the hospital," she explained. He smiled.

"The people want someone who is fair and just to rule," he said.

"Or they just don't want Albert Spencer in charge," she replied.

"Definitely both," he agreed, as he kissed her tenderly.

"I'm sleeping with the future Mayor. That's hot," he added, making her giggle. But her giggles soon dissolved into mewls and gasps of pleasure, as her husband lips trailed hot, open mouthed kisses along her neck and collarbone. His hand slid up her shirt and hers to his belt.

"Mmm...the Sheriff seducing the future Mayor? Scandalous," she teased, as she started undoing the buttons on his shirt. She only got the first two undone when they heard a noise from upstairs. Their lips parted and they heard it again.

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