Somewhere I Belong

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Finding You Always

Chapter 45:Somewhere I Belong

Leo knocked on the door of the door of apartment 3B in a rundown building in the south end of town. A rougher crowd lived in this part of town and he had received wary looks from many, as he passed by on his way. There were those in their land that hated royals or law enforcement of any kind, regardless of all the good his parents had done both here and back in their land. For many, there would always be mistrust of any order or authority.

He knocked a second time, hearing someone stumbling around.

"I'm coming!" a female voice shouted. The door finally swung open, revealing an a woman with auburn hair streaked with blue highlights. She wore a tight dress, too much makeup, and was probably only a couple years older than he was when the curse hit. But circumstance had definitely aged her. Evidence of a hard life was apparent in her eyes and the overall rougher look to her. She was beautiful...but decidedly hard.

"Well...hello handsome," she purred. He suppressed an eye roll.

"What can I do for you...besides undress you with my eyes?" she said boldly.

"I'm junior deputy Leo Nolan and I need to ask you a few questions," he stated. She laughed and threw her door open for him.

"So...the old hag called the cops on me over her tacky jewelry," she said, as Leo followed her inside.

"Are you admitting to stealing from her?" he asked. She laughed.

"I suppose so, but after everything she stole from he, I'd say she's still coming out on top," Penny replied.

"You Dad would much rather arrest Medusa. He has suspected her of far worse things than larceny for a long time, but he had no evidence," Leo offered. She smirked.

"So...not only do you want to arrest me, you want me to be a nark and put a target on my back?" she asked rhetorically.

"We would protect you," he insisted. She chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sure you'd try, honey. But her goons would find a way to get me, so just arrest me and get it over with," she replied.

"I hope you reconsider, because I can help you," he insisted, as he cuffed her wrists in front of her.

" can't sweetie, because you have no idea what my life has been like," she snapped.

"Then tell me," he prompted. She scoffed.

"I was an orphan...something you'll never understand. Back in the Enchanted Forest, I was a street urchin in my village. Then one day, Madam Medusa and her two idiot bodyguards were passing through looking for that damned diamond," she said, pausing for a beat.

"A gypsy told her even if she did find it that she couldn't retrieve it unless she had someone with a pure heart get it for her. She found me on the streets and brought me along for the ride," she continued.

"What happened?" he asked.

"Nothing...that bloody diamond doesn't exist! But she kept searching and kept me in her servitude, even when I got older. But then the curse hit and we came here. I spent my days working in her stupid club and my nights..." she said, pausing to clear the choke from her voice.

"My nights in the bed of whatever disgusting pig had paid her for my services," she hissed.

"And with your help, we could shut her down and she can pay for her crimes. My dad would love nothing more than to get the evidence he needs against her to do just that," he pleaded. She seemed to consider it for a moment.

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