Full Moon

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Finding You Always

Chapter 52: Full Moon

Leo and Eva combed the town proper with Granny, complete with her crossbow. After having found nothing, they started toward the woods and found Red, passed out near the toll bridge.

"Aunt Red!" Leo cried, as Eva immediately checked her pulse.

"It's strong and steady. I think she's just asleep," Eva told them, as Red began to stir.

"What's going on?" she asked groggily.

"Do you remember anything?" Leo asked. Red thought for a moment and her eyes widened in horror.

"I was locked up. How did I get here?" she exclaimed.

"You broke out. The freezer was torn to shreds this morning," Granny confessed.

"Oh no...no...no..." Ruby started to panic.

"Calm down...everything's fine," Leo soothed.

"You don't know that! What if I hurt someone?" she cried. Before he could answer, his cell phone rang and he answered.


"Hey Leo...would you mind stopping by the Docks on your patrol? Billy's tow truck is parked down here and no one's seen him. It's probably nothing. He might have just had too much to drink and had a friend drive him home...but just in case," Thomas said.

"Sure, we'll swing by there on the way back," Leo promised.

"Come on, let's go back to the station," Leo suggested.

"Leo's right. No one got hurt. You couldn't hurt anyone, Aunt Red," Eva soothed.

"I know you want to think that, honey. But you didn't know me before when I couldn't control it. This feels like that again," Ruby fretted.

"Well...answers aren't out here, girl, so let's get you in the car," Granny reasoned.

The shop bell rang and Gold turned to his visitors.

"Hi Mr. Gold!" Henry called, as he and Regina walked into the shop.

"Hello Henry," he said, as pleasantly as possible.

"You know, I expect the penchant for not reading my closed sign from Henry, being he's a Charming and all, but I thought you had more tact, Your Majesty," Rumple quipped.

"We have a serious problem. My Mother is alive and she is trying to stop Snow and her family from getting back so she can come in their place," Regina said bluntly.

"And you know this...how?" Gold questioned.

"I was in a red room with flames in my dream and saw a woman named Aurora. She told me she's with my mom and grandparents and that Cora's trying to stop them from getting home," Henry said sadly.

"Neither of us want my mother coming here, so we need to help them. Henry can get them a message," Regina explained.

"And what exactly am I supposed to do?" Gold asked irritably. Regina rolled her eyes.

"We need to give them something to stop her! My mother running around this town is bad for everyone...including Belle," she warned.

"I suppose you have a point," Gold said, as he opened an ornate box and took out a pendant.

"What's what?" Henry asked curiously.

"This will help quell the flames in the room so you can properly deliver the message," Rumple said, as he put it around his neck.

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