Deals With the Dark One

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Finding You Always

Chapter 56: Deals with the Dark One

Cora smirked, as she appeared in front of the pawn shop and went inside. She had been observing Regina and the Charmings all day and knew she would have to be careful in her approach. Firstly, she needed to guarantee Rumple would not interfere. It was time to make a deal.

" found a way here, after all, dearie," Rumple hissed. She smirked.

"Hello Rumple," she purred.

"What do you want?" he growled.

"No need for hostility...I'm here to make a deal," she replied.

"Not interested," he spat in return. In a poof a magic, a case appeared on the counter and she opened it, revealing a globe with a blank white surface.

"You know this is, don't you?" she asked. He was astonished.

"Of course I know...I thought it was lost," he replied.

"Not exactly and we both know it can help you find what you've lost," Cora added.

"What do you want?" he growled. She smirked.

"A promise that you'll stay out of my way," she responded. He glared at her, but it was too tempting to pass on this offer, as much as he hated dealing with her again. Any deal he had ever made with Cora Mills had come back to bite him in the ass. But he relented nevertheless.

"Fine...I won't interfere with whatever you have planned, as long as Belle is unharmed," Rumple replied.

"Deal," she agreed, as he held up his hand, but her eyes flicked to his.

"Shall we seal it like we used to?" she purred, as she leaned in and kissed him.

Dinner was pleasant and conversation was even more comfortable than it had been that morning. Leo wasn't present and had surprised them all by telling them he had a date. That had launched Snow into an episode of fretting while she made dinner with Charming assuring her that while Penny's past troubles were of concern that she was trying to find a better life. And reminded her that it was Leo's influence that would be positive and essential for her to do just that.

The kids were taking to Xander quite well, though Emma was still a bit standoffish, but that was just Emma. She was much like Charming in that way and there were few she trusted. Still, it seemed Xander didn't mind at all and was more than willing to accept Emma's scrutiny. He knew it was that scrutiny that would protect those she loved most.

After dinner, Emma and Henry went to their place in the basement to play one of Henry's video games, while Eva went upstairs to study. Snow bathed Summer and she Charming tucked her into bed with a story.

Afterward, they joined Xander in the living room for wine and more conversation, of which David had many questions about the places he had been.

"So after you left, you started in Agrabah?" David asked. Xander nodded.

"That's where I met Cassim, leader of the forty thieves. Clayton and I were nearly killed while infiltrating their secret hideaway. Fortunately, Clayton and Cassim were old friends," Xander replied.

"You joined the forty thieves?" Snow asked curiously. He smirked.

"No, there was a great power struggle within the regime at the time. Sa'luk was ruthless and power hungry. He revolted against Cassim and we barely escaped with our lives after that. Sa'luk was foolhardy enough to believe he and the forty thieves could somehow infiltrate King Midas' Kingdom and steal his gold. Sa'luk was very interested in Midas' gift," Xander explained. David scoffed.

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