The New Recruit

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"I'm so nervous!!" Y/N said as she walked closer to the big doors.
"Don't be! I promise everything will be fine." Natasha said gripping the handles and swinging open the door.
They walked into the elevator and went to the top floor where the rest of the team would be.
"Do they know that I'm coming?"
"Yep, and everyone's super excited. Well Wanda is anyway."
The ding from the elevator stopped their conversation and they entered the compounds main room. They first went to the lab to introduce Y/N to Tony and Bruce. She was greeted by the two brainy men working on suits and left to the next room. She went to the kitchen and found Wanda and Sam.

"Omg Hi!!" Wanda exclaimed and pulled Y/N into a tight hug.
"I'm so excited to meet you!!"
"Aright Wands let her go, you're suffocating her." Sam pulled her arms off and shook Y/N's hand.
"I'm Sam, it's nice to meet you!" He gave her a warm smile.
"Nice to meet you too!" Y/N smiled back at the two. They stood talking for a bit then went on to the next room. They passed Steve in the hallway on the way to the training room and he said hello to them. Steve was super sweet and inviting, telling Y/N if she needed anything to come to him and he'll be happy to help. She could tell they were going to be good friends.

They walked into the gym and saw Bucky boxing.
"Buck!" Nat shouted so he'd hear her over his music. He turned around and took his headphones out.
"What's up Nat?"
"I wanted you to meet Y/N." He eyes traveled to the girl next to her.
"She's gonna be our new teammate."
She nudged Y/N closer to him. He reached out a hand and shook her hand with his flesh arm.
"It's nice to meet you!" She said as she shook his hand smiling. That smile of hers warmed his heart. That damned smile is what hooked him.
"Nice to meet you too." He gave her a slight smile.
Loki was in the corner watching the whole interaction, he got up and made his way to the woman.
"Loki. Charmed." He took her hand out of Bucky's, kissing the back of her hand.
"Oh wow." She said blushing.
"Come one Y/N lets show you to your room." She walked out and Y/N followed her, she waved goodbye before exiting.

"She's perfect!" Loki said smirking as she got farther from view.
"Yeah she is..." Bucky replied staring at her.
"I meant for me!" The god scowled.
"You? No way, she belongs with. I'll treat her better." Bucky went over to the weights and picked up one, Loki following his steps.
"HA! Don't make me laugh 'Winter Solider'. She'll be with me by the end of the month, you watch."
"Yeah sure thing orphan boy." Bucky said as he began lifting the weight.
"You don't think so?" He scoffed at the solider.
"Okay then, how about a little wager."
Bucky turned towards him.
"If she picks me then you have to leave her alone and never talk to her again. If she picks you then i'll leave and won't talk to her. Deal?"
He reached out his hand. Bucky eyed the man and stood up putting down the weight. He grabbed his hand.
"Perfect." Loki smirked.
"Can't wait to see you loose!" He strode towards the door and left, leaving the super solider to finish his workout.

Some exciting stuff is coming your way! Stay tuned:)


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