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^Thats you. Pretend it's not natty^

It was the day of the mission. Everyone was preparing, getting their suits on and making sure they had the weapons they needed. Y/N had just finished suiting up when Loki walked into the room.
"Y/N are you ready?" He stopped and saw her standing there putting her gun in the holster.
"Yep, all ready." She sounded nervous so he went over to her and put his hands on her shoulders.
"Everything will be alright Love, we'll get in and out."
She took a deep breath in and let it out. He kissed the top of her head and walked out to the cars waiting.
"Y/N want to ride with me?" Bucky asked getting off his motorcycle.
"No. She's riding with me." Loki replied pulling her closer.
"He asked me, not you." She rolled her eyes.
"I'd love to. Just don't kill me."
"Wasn't planning on it."
They all got into their vehicles and left to the drop off spot.

"Okay Y/N, Bucky, and Loki. You three go to the West side of the building, that's where they're dropping the serum off. You watch and tell us when to come in." Steve said putting his earpiece in. The three nodded and went to the spot. They entered the empty building and hid behind old equipment that was left behind.
"Okay. You two stay here I'm gonna set up the hearing device so we can hear them when they arrive." Y/N said waking away.
"I'm glad to see her in one piece after riding with you. That motorcycle is a death trap." Loki uttered as she left.
"She was fine, she was with me. She held on tight don't worry." Bucky smirked at him.
"She rides well. On the motorcycle of course." Bucky added making the god angry. Before he could respond Y/N came back and crouched between them.
"Okay they're here. Be quiet and listen."
The three watched from afar, listening to their plans for the serum. Bucky put us hand onto Y/N's back while watching. Loki saw his move and decided to put his hand on her shoulder. They exchanged glares, trying to move the others hand off.
"Stop it! You could make noise!" She whispered. Just then Bucky shoved Loki too hard and he fell back against one of the metal rods lined up against metal rods. The rods crashed onto the floor grabbing the attention of the Hydra agents.
"There's someone here!" The man yelled as they all ran back into their cars.
"Dammit!" Y/N cursed.
"Why can't you two listen!" She grabbed Bucky's motorcycle keys out of his pocket and jumped up sprinting to the bike.
"Barnes and Laufeyson compromised the mission. They're in their cars driving now, get above them and direct me." She said into her earpiece and sped down the road. Swerving in between cars and large trucks.

"Y/N I see them. Take a left I can block them in!" Sam said flying past her. She did was he said and turned into a closed off road. She hopped off and approached the cars that were stuck. The agents got out and started attacking the team. Y/N saw the man take the vial and run so she went after him. She ran and lunged at him, taking him down as she fell. They got up and started punching each other. She dodged his hits and punched his stomach causing him to groan. He faked a punch and when she leaned to block it, he hit the other side of her face. She lifted her head and wiped the blood from her nose. He pulled out his knife and attacked her. They fought, her blocking his swings and the weapon in his hand. The blade caught on her upper arm and sliced through the material protecting her. She winced at the sharp pain, but immediately went back to disabling him. She finally kicked the knife out of his hand and swept her foot underneath him causing him to fall to the ground. She pointed her gun at him.
"Vial. Now!" She demanded holding her hand out. He put his hands up and handed her the vial. Putting it in her pocket she shot his leg so he wouldn't be able to escape while they arrested the others. The ride home was silent. Everyone was mad at the men, including Y/N. She rode back with Natasha, Tony, and Clint not wanting to even look at the two. They arrived back at the compound and she went immediately into her room. She slammed the door as Bucky and Loki tried to apologize. She ignored them for the rest of the night.

Y/N is a bad ass. That's all I'm gonna say.


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