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The jet shook lightly as it soared in the sky. Y/N tensed up and closed her eyes as the turbulence calmed down. Two hands on her knees made her relax and open her eyes looking beside her. Bucky and Loki gave her a comforting smile while rubbing in her knee.
"It's okay Darling, we're here." Loki reassured as he held onto her hand. She nodded and squeezed their hands.
"We're here." Natasha informed as her and Clint landed the jet in the woods near the Hydra building. Having put the jet in cloaking mode the agents did not know they were so close to their hideout. The team all gathered at the back of the jet as the door opened. Y/N was visibly anxious, being so close to seeing the man that hurt her was terrifying. Bucky grabbed her face and moved it so her eyes could look at him.
"Everything will be okay Sweetheart. Don't worry, we'll protect you." He placed a kiss on her forehead and hugged her tightly before pulling back and walking off the plane with her hand in his.

"Okay, Tony, Nat, Sam and Clint will go to the other side of the building and check if there are any agents outside. Tony will disable the cameras. We will stay here and wait till the cost is clear." Steve gave directions and the 4 left as the others hid behind trees closest to the building.
"There's 5 outside. Nat and Clint are taking care of that." Sam's voice spoke into the coms. They watched as Natasha and Clint took down the guards, making it safe for them to get closer.
"Alright their cameras are down but we have a short period before they come back on." Tony flew down and met up with Steve's team.
"We'll create a diversion so the agents come out here away from you. You guys go in and find Marcus. We'll stay out here and fight." Tony flew back up and aimed for the front doors. Shooting small missiles from his wrist, causing the doors to explode and allow agents to run out. They all attack Tony's team as Steve and the others file into the building.
"Okay Y/N and Bucky. You two go into the lab, try to find Marcus. Me and Loki will go into the main office and file room."
They all nod, before walking away Loki reaches for Y/N and pulls her close to him. Placing a kiss on her lips he pulls back and smiles.
"Be careful Love."
"You too." She kisses him one last time and and walks away towards the lab.

As Bucky and Y/N enter the lab they see papers on the ground and chairs pulled out from the tables. There was no sign of anyone in the room. Bucky walked over to the desks and looked through the papers. He checked behind the curtains, with the examination tables and checked the closets. Y/N walked over to the examination table. The memories of her struggling on it came to mind making her let out a shaky breath and back away. She backed into Bucky and she jumped, he grabbed her arms and turned her around to show it was him.
"Hey! Everything's okay! It's okay, it's just me." He reassured and rubbed her arm.
"Come on. No ones here let's go back to Loki and Steve."
They left the lab and began walking down the long hallway leading to the file room.
"Steve you guys still with the files?" Bucky asked over coms.
"Yeah we're about done. Heading to the front no-"
An explosion cuts Steve's words off and shakes the building, causing dust and cement to fall from above. Bucky grabs onto Y/N protectively, shielding her from the pieces.
"What the hell was that?!" Y/N shouted into ear piece.
"I don't know!" Steve answered back.
"Uh guy?" Sam spoke.
"What's up Sam? Did Tony do that?" Bucky backs away from Y/N as he speaks but still keeps a hold on her hand. They walk faster towards the files.
"No...it came from the building."
"There's bombs planted in the building. That one was an office on the West end. Steve and Loki are North and You and Bucky are East. So you guys better hurry before those blow. You'll meet in the middle. Hurry!"

Bucky and Y/N began running towards the center, hoping to run into the other two. As they get farther from the lab another bomb goes off.
"East is blown. You guys okay?" Sam checks in with Bucky.
"Yeah! We're good, almost at the center."
As Y/N runs she can feel her heartbeat in her ears, her breathing becoming heavier with every step. She was worried for Loki, the next one to blow was the North end. Approaching the center they see Steve and Loki waving to them. They run faster and Y/N collides with Loki's body, wrapping him in a hug.
"Are you okay Darling?" Loki lifts her face and checks to see if she was hurt.
"I'm fine Loke, are you okay?"
He nods and hugs her again. The third explosion grabs their attention.
"North is gone. You guys have to leave now! The last one is going to blow sooner than the others. It's by the exit." Sam warned.
"Let's go!" Steve started to run and Bucky followed. Loki and Y/N following behind. Zipping by every room they start to see the open doors in the front. Bucky and Steve are way ahead and run out before Loki and Y/N. They look back and see the two running.
"Come on Doll! Hurry!" Bucky shouts. She tried to pick up the pace but is tackled by someone.
"No!" Bucky tried to run in but Steve stops him.
"Buck don't!"
She is thrown into an empty room groaning and trying to turn over. She kicks off the person on top of her.

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