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It's been a few weeks since the whole birthday conflict. Y/N still hasn't spoken the either of the men, they tried to talk with her but she wouldn't listen and walk away. She was angry, beyond angry. They hurt her, but she should've seen it coming. The way they acted towards each other. They would've never been able to share her or be okay with all three of them together. She loved them both, she knew from the beginning that they wanted her to choose but she just couldn't. So part of it was her fault, at least that's what she thought.

"Y/N!" Steve shouted as he entered the gym. Y/N was grunting and throwing hard punches at the bag hanging. She heard his yell and took her earbud out looking back.
"The bags already dead you know that right?" He chuckled earning a smile and eye roll from her.
"What do you want Rogers?" She asked catching her breath.
"Just checking in on you. We haven't spoke in two days, want to make sure you're not planning the guys deaths."
She forced out a laugh and sat on the bench. He took a seat next to her waiting for her response.
"Not yet but I'll let you know when I do." She smiled.
"I've just been trying to not think about it."
"Doesn't seem thats going too well. Based off of the beat up bag, you were just thinking about it."
She gazed over the the dented leather on the bad and back at her wrapped hands.
"I said trying."
"Why don't you go out with Nat and Wanda tonight. Get your mind off of them."
She shook her head and got up.
"No thanks, I'm not in the mood. Plus I have an away mission tomorrow."
"Okay, well have fun killing the bag." He smiled and tousled her hair, walking out to let her to finish up.

"Be safe!" Wanda said as she hugged Y/N.
"I will Wands. It'll be a quick and easy one."
As she walked to her car downstairs she bumped into Bucky and Loki.
"Oh god I'm so sorry!" They both said reaching to grab her before falling.
She regained her balance and slowly took her arm away from their touch.
"It's my bad. Didn't see where I was going."
They stood looking at her and glancing down to her bag in her hand.
"You're leaving?" Loki sounded worried.
"Mission." Her response was blunt as she looked down at the bag.
"For how long?" Bucky asked.
"I don't know. A week or a month. Depends. It's up to Hydra."
"Hydra!?" Both of the men exclaimed.
"You can't go alone!"
"I'm not. A Shield agent is gonna be there too. No one else was assigned to this but me and them."
"You still can't do that. You could get hurt!"
"I'll be fine." She looked at them softly, she didn't do it in purpose but something inside her took over and wanted to comfort the men. They relaxed at the look and let out a breath.
" careful." Bucky said putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Will do." She nodded to him and Loki and walked away. Getting in her car she started the engine and drove away. A part of her felt sad to leave them, she wanted to stay. To stay in their arms for one more minute. 'No! Y/N focus on the mission.' She told herself. She leaned back in the seat and put on music, this was going to be a long drive.

Do you think it's Y/N's fault of the boys?


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