Something's Wrong

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"So how's it going?" Sam asked over the phone.
"It's okay. We're almost done, once we figure out who they're selling the last of the serum to, we should be coming back." Y/N replied putting the phone on speaker as she walks around the cabin. She had been gone for 2 months now, everyone missed her but not as much as Loki and Bucky. They were terrified every time the phone rang, they thought something happened to her. Of course she were perfectly fine but they didn't want to let their guards down incase something happens.
"You know the boys miss you tons." Sam referring to Bucky and Loki.
"Yeah i'm sure, miss them too." She said annoyed.
"Y/N it's been months, do you think you'll ever forgive them?"
She scoffed.
"Me forgive them? They ruined my birthday and pulled me like a rope. I don't think so."
Sam laughed on the other end as Y/N rolled her eyes. Just then there was a thump outside.

"What was that?" Sam asked hearing the loud crash. Y/N rose from the couch and tiptoed over to the sound. She pushed back the curtain and looked outside the widows, nothing. It was dark, the sun long gone. No sign of anything out there.
"I don't know. Probably an animal." She replied a little shaken up.
"Where's Marcus." The shield agent she was pared with.
"He left 20 minutes ago to get food. I don't see his car." As soon as she finished her sentence something flew through the window. It exploded and smoke came out of the end.
"Y/N?!" Sam yelled worried.
"I'm under attack! Call Marcus!" Clutching the phone she fought off the agents swarming into the cabin, but there were too many. She was kicked right in the ribs and slammed to the ground. She groaned and started wheezing coughing up blood. An agent walked up to her and crouched.
"We found you." He said intimidating, he stood up and crushed the phone in her hand making her scream. Then the call cut off. Sam was horrified, he ran to the others to tell them what happened. The agent smiled at Y/N in pain on the ground and kicked her face causing her to pass out.

"What!?" Bucky'a loud voice booms with anxiety.
"She was attacked?" Loki asked anger filling his eyes.
"Yes now we have to go!"
The team ran out to the jet since it would've been a long drive and flew off to her location. They tried to call her or Marcus but neither of them answered.
"Check her location." Steve said flying the jet.
"There's nothing, it went offline." Natasha kept refreshing the device but nothing was coming up. They got to the cabin and went in. It was a mess, plates and cabinets were broken. The front door was broken in half from kicking it in. The wall was dented from force and the window shattered. As they walked around they stopped at the wall right by the living room. They looked down and saw blood and the broken cell phone. Her location tracker was on the ground crushed in the pool of blood. Scratch marks were by the base of the wall. The sight sent shivers down their spines.
"We need to check the cameras." Bucky said.
"About that..." Tony walked in front of the group.
"They were cut 5 minutes before the attack. So was Friday. That's why she didn't warn Y/N."
Y/N was gone. They had her, Hydra had her. For all they know she was probably dead by now. They needed to find her, and fast.


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