Save Her

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"BRUCE!" Bucky shouts as he runs into the lab with Y/N. Loki tailing right behind him. Bruce lifts his head up and sees Y/N in absolute pain. Her screams and cries were unbearable.
"Lay her here! What happened?"
"Those assholes put the new serum in her. She's in pain, help her please!" Loki pleaded as he held her hand.
"IT HURTS! MAKE IT STOP!" She shouted squeezing his hand. She shut her eyes tight and tried to focus on anything but the pain. Her eyes shot open revealing red glowing ones, as a new wave of pain hit her, she let out one last guttural scream and blacked out.
"Y/N!" Bucky shook her shoulder in terror.
"It's okay. She's just passed out from the pain. I'll look over her and keep her sedated, it'll take a while."
The men nodded and looked back down at their love. They weren't there to protect her.
"You guys can wait outside." Bruce added injecting Y/N with sedatives. Loki walked away and Bucky followed, shifting their attention towards themselves they tended to any scratches or cuts they got from fighting.

Bucky was in his room pacing back and forth, worried for Y/N. What if she dies? What if it's too much for her body to handle? What if she never wakes up? All of these horrible thoughts went around in his head.
"She'll wake up." Loki's voice cut through his thoughts, he was leaving up against the doorframe.
"How did you-"
"I can read minds. Didn't you know that?"
Bucky shook his head and plopped down onto his bed, he let out a sigh and ran his hands through his hair.
"Her screams."
"I know. They keep replaying in my head too." Loki mentioned.
"We weren't there. We could've stopped it all. But now she's in that lab, with a chance of not waking up..." Bucky's voice quivered and he put his hand on his mouth. Loki walked closer to him and sat down.
"She'll be okay Barnes, she has those powers. Your powers. The super solider serum will help her."
He shook his head.
"No. Not with that other shit in there. It'll rip her apart. And even if she does live, she will have to learn how to control her powers. What if that hurts her to?" Bucky huffed out.
"Relax. We need to stay calm and collected for her. I know it's hard because we love her and want her to be safe but she will get through it all. She's a fighter." Loki put his hand awkwardly on Bucky's shoulder trying to comfort him. The soldier glanced at his hand and back at him.
"Get your hand off of me."
"Right." Loki quickly took his hand away.
"Thank you for trying to comfort me." He added feeling bad for his harsh tone, Loki nodded and got up to go check on Bruce's progress in the last two hours.

"How is she?" Loki poked his head into the room. Bruce took a deep breath.
"Well, it doesn't look like I can take the power out. If I do it might cause more harm than good." The god nodded and came closer, Y/N was still unconscious. The bright light of the lab revealed all of her bruises on her from Hydra. His jaw clenched at the thought of them touching her.
"Loki!" Bruce snapped in his face getting his attention.
"I said she should be awake soon. I gave her something to calm her powers for a while, just until she starts training."
"Right, thank you."

"One more time Y/N." Wanda tried to persuade her in training.
"I can't! I've been at this for weeks I'm no closer to controlling them than I was when I first got this stupid power." Y/N sat on the bench and out her face in her hands. Y/N had been awake for 5 weeks now, in the beginning Bucky and Loki made it their mission to not allow her to do anything. They did almost everything for her but she soon found it a bit overwhelming and they backed off.

After healing and getting back into training the team thought it was best that she got trained by someone who had actual powers. Now she trains with Wanda everyday to get somewhat control of her fire powers.
"Y/ takes time. You are getting better. Why don't we try it one more time?" Wanda tried to reason with her, but she shook her head.
"It won't work! It hasn't worked!" Her eyes tearing up.
"Nothing is helping. I mean I look at myself in the mirror and I don't even see me anymore. I have this scary dangerous power and I try to keep it under control but I end up burning my sheets or clothes." Y/N cried out of frustration.
Wanda put a hand on her back and rubbed up and down.
"I know it can be hard. It was very difficult for me to figure out my powers and control them, but after awhile I got it. All you need is more time. I promise, you give me 3 more weeks and you'll be seeing progress." She held out her pinkie and smiled. Y/N chuckled and wiped her tears away, wrapping her pinkie around hers.
"You better be right or i'll throw a fire ball at you." They both laughed and got back up to continue their training.


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