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It had been 2 weeks since the mission incident. The team had forgiven the men already but Y/N was a different story. She was still so upset with them, whenever she looked at the cut on her arm anger bubbled up again. She couldn't hold her emotions in anymore so she had to talk to them. She texted them both and told them to meet her.
'Meeting room. Now.'
The tone of the text sent shivers down Bucky's spine, he didn't get scared easily but Y/N mad terrified him.

They went into the room and sat down waiting for her to come. Bucky glared at Loki as they sat. She walked in 2 minutes later and stood in front of them, leaning down on the table. Y/N took a deep breath to calm her anger and started speaking.
"I gathered you here to talk about the mission and your behavior while on that mission."
She looked up from the table and saw them listening.
"What you two did was completely unacceptable. You endangered not only yourselves but others around you. What if they didn't leave? They could've walked towards us and killed us. It was 10 against 3. I don't care if you're a god or a super solider, you two were reckless!" She expressed standing straight up.
"We're sorry Y/N." Loki said after a moment.
"What we did was stupid and we regret it. We understand your anger. It won't happen again." Bucky added.
"You're right about that. I thought you two were getting better! Not arguing as much, but you proved me wrong. This arguing needs to stop, you two need to learn to share." She sighed.
"I don't want you two getting hurt because of your arguing. Okay?"
They both nodded and looked down into their laps. She walked over to their seats and leaned down kissing their cheeks.
"I care about you two. So please try to get along."

The next weeks leading up to Y/N's birthday were filled with fun. Y/N of course didn't want any of the extravagant measures for her birthday, but a cute date with her two favorite guys was something she didn't mind. One night Loki took her to go see a Broadway play. He loved theater and he loved Y/N so it was a perfect idea. They went to dinner afterwards and talked about everything. She told him about some missions she had went on while she was in Shield and the scars she got from them. He just sat listened contently, he could listen to her for hours. Which did end up happening. When they got back Loki stood in her room for a bit, she showed him scars she got from the missions and he showed her his. He peppered her face with kisses as she laid in his arms. They ended up falling asleep with each other, as happy as can be.

Bucky later that week took her to a couples painting place. Y/N wasn't good at art. Bucky on the other hand was great at it, but he didn't tell her that.
"What is that?" Bucky laughed at her canvas. She covered it from his view.
"It's a cat! Be nice!"
"That was not a cat! It looked like an alien." He held his stomach as he continued making fun of her painting.
"How about yours? I bet it's trash too!" She moved his easel and looked at the painting. It was...jaw dropping.
"Buck! That's amazing!" She said widening her eyes.
"Is that...?"
"You." He replied smiling.
"I had to draw you, you're too perfect not to be painted."
She chuckled and connected their lips.
"It's gorgeous."
"Of course it is, it's you!"
The got home and Y/N went to her room to change for the night, before she slipped into her bed Bucky walked in.
"Here." He said handing her the painting he did.
"Happy early birthday Sweetheart."He pecked her cheek and hugged her. She took it and out it on her dresser near the flowers he and Loki gave to here earlier that week. If this was how every birthday would be, she could get used to it.

What would you rather have? Broadway play or couples painting?


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